Cursore1610's Comments
Best March of the Lich King Decks From Day 1
From what I’ve seen so far, Shockspitter Hunter is pretty insane. I think Shockspittee will be harshly nerfed soon, and it wouldn’t surprise me if they just removed the ability to go face. I don’t think anyone predicted just how strong they would be and Blizzard didnt playtest enough for them: the result is honestly one of the most powerful combo decks that ever existed in standard. I have played a bit myself and I had a 100% winrate for like 5 or 6 games. I hope it gets addressed soon.
Deathweaver Aura
Ok, I read the card wrong. I thought it gave every minion you have the deathrattle “summon a 3/2”. But it doesn’t do that and it doesn’t even come close to that kind of power. Instead, this card just sucks. It doesn’t give you immediate stats unless you trade in a minion, and even then it’s just two 3/2 minions without any kind of effect and with the condition of having a minion on board which can die the turn you play this card. And sure, it combos very well with the new 1 drop for Shaman, but that’s just not enough, the enemy can just ignore it and deal with it later along the line. It’s too slow, it doesn’t do much and it’s far from being the payoff card I thought it was going to be.
Souleater's Scythe
Overall review of the class: I think the no-minion archetype might actually make it and be a good meta deck. You can include the artifact package, Fel spells and Jayce: paired up with this weapon, you can have a very powerful deck which has 3 finishers which can also be otherwise useful minions for the midgame thanks to the versatility of this weapon. Big Demon DH won’t be viable. There won’t be an outcast deck, but some of the outcast cards might see play in the aggro or the no-minion archetypes. Aggro DH has been good for the last couple of months while not being a standout by any means, and I think that it will stay so: a good deck to get to diamond, but not much further.
Overall review of the class: I expect Shaman to be fairly good in this expansion. All the pieces to make a weird burn token evolve piranha murloc disruption fucked up shaman deck are there, and it has worked before, so I don’t know why it wouldn’t work now (although I don’t expect a good decklist to come out as soon as the expansion launches). Murloc Shaman doesn’t get one bit weaker: it gets a new powerful murloc legendary and also might start running some of the deathrattle giving spells as payoff for the boards of minion you can generate, although I think that at the end of the day the deck is already packed as it is right now. Undead Shaman might also make an appaerance, although I would be surprised if it proved to be a meta deck. Big Shaman will be a very fun meme deck.
Overall review of the class: I think paladin will be fairly weak this patch. The dragon package won’t amount to anything, the aggro self-damage package will be pretty weak as well, lacking the actual means to beat control Renathal decks. The Jailer/Order in the Court decks, be it Pure paladin or the control Reno and Denathrius version, will only get one good card from this expansion, which is the new legendary dragon, and will also benefit from the Theotar nerf, but overall will fail to leave that much of an impact.
Wretched Exile
This kind of cards just doesn’t work most of the times. You don’t want random outcast cards: they are mostly bad, and this is way too slow to be relevant. The thing about these “infinite card generation” cards is that a few years ago, when value was still a thing all kinds of decks would have to account for, they were insanely good, but now that’s not the case anymore. Control decks usually have some combos to kill you from hand or some cards like Kazakusan to basically have infinite value on demand; Aggro decks do have to account for the amount of cards they have in hand, but they definitely don’t want random cards because they can’ even use most of them if they cost too much; midrange decks usually have some infinite value or inevitable wincon, and this kind of cards usually get sidetracked for more efficient tempo plays. I don’t believe in Outcast DH, I don’t think you have any reason to play that deck and so this card won’t see play either.
Vengeful Walloper
I think that it’s just a bad card. Outcast cards aren’t that good and you don’t play them all the time, this just feels like it wouldn’t discount as quickly as you would need to in order to be powerful. I don’t think it will get played in any deck.
Mark of Scorn
I mean, it’s a fine card I guess? It isn’t a Fel spell, which makes it a fair bit worse, but it’s good cycle and damage for an archetype which will gladly use cards like this to fill their curve. I am still not sold on no minion demon hunter, but it definitely feels like a deck that could exist and perform well, maybe just not a tier 1 deck that’s all.
Fierce Outsider
This is obviously a strong card, and in an aggro deck can even out your curve pretty smoothly. As a 1 drop, it’s fine: a bit squishy, maybe, but aggressive enough. My main issue with the card is that there aren’t a whole lot of good outcast cards right now: they printed all of these outcast interactions and they kinda forgot about printing actually good outcast cards. So, all in all, might find some play in Aggro DH, but it isn’t as powerful as it looks due to it being squishy and a general lack of good combos to do with him.
Felerin, the Forgotten
Seems solid. Not necessarily an incredibly powerful card, but one that might end up being played in a lot of different archetypes at the same time. It’s very similar to Illidari studies, but 4 mana 3/3 that gets you 2 discounted and empowered cards might even be better than that. Sure, it might not be as versatile as Illidari Studies, but the value and the fact that the discount stays for the turns later makes me believe this might actually be the new Illidari studies for DH. Just a good value card which I expect to see in most DH decks.
Unleash Fel
This seems pretty bad to me. City tax does the same thing and it’s only good because it’s tradeable and because it comboes with equality, but by itself, 1 damage to all minions and lifesteal isn’t great. Although I do have to point out that this also goes face, which makes this particularly interesting, but not that exciting overall. I don’t expect to see this being played in any Demon Hunter deck.
Souleater's Scythe
I love this card: it’s a wonderful and fun way to build decks this way and makes it so no minion decks aren’t REALLY no minions deck. The consistency of this card is also great: if you have only 3 minions in your deck, this is like having 3 copies of each of them in your deck when it comes to consistency. The downside is that they cost 1 more mana than they would, which makes it a bit of a problem when it comes to playing these cards on curve, which you wouldn’t do anyway because 3 minions aren’t enough to make a curve reliable. The most obvious cards you can put in are very powerful legendaries or other big minions which can function as a finisher. Let me list a couple of combos: Renathal can be used in a no minion deck thanks to this (even though I don’t think there are enough good spells for a 40 card decks); Denathrius can also be used in such a deck because it seems to summon a lot of tokens and you will be able to find Denathrius very quickly, while also making it immune to Theotar because you can gain more Denathrius copies; any kind of wincon like the Jailer which can be useful in certain matchups but that can also be ignored against others; the new 4 mana legendary minion for DH which gives you Outcast cards is a great midgame value minion, one which could be used in many different situations; Jayce is probably one of the best wincons you can have, since you don’t have to put it in your hand early on like you would have to with Denathrius and you can also get 3 copies of it; the Illidari Inquisitor is also a good late game wincon, even though it isn’t as good as Jayce in that regard; you could also go for the 4 mana 5/4 minion which draws up to 5 cards, which is the best way to draw cards in aggro decks, which might be the way to go for this deck. The fun thing is that you can combine any of these combos in a almost infinite amount of possibilities: do you want 3 different wincons so that you can win against control comes hell or high water? Do you want two value cards and a wincon? Do you want a value card, a tempo card and a wincon? Perhaps only value and tempo cards? Maybe it’s best to go for tech cards, like weapon removal, wincons like Jayce and a value card for when you don’t have anymore cards in hand? The point is that it will be so fun to experiment with, but it’s too hard to say how good this will be in a vacuum: it might end up being too slow or just not worth playing a no minion deck and a bad weapon for. Can’t wait to try it out in the ladder though!
Fel'dorei Warband
Very similarly to “Deal with the Devil”, it’s a very good card for an archetype which I am not convinced will save a class which has been very lacking in the last expansion. The baseline is great and it curves out perfectly with deal with the devil, but then what? How are you going to fill out a deck and make it good without 1 drops? I am not sure tbh, I guess we’ll see, but I haven’t bought into the no minion deck hype yet.
Deal with a Devil
This reminds me of that old Hunter card which summoned 3/3 wolfs: it was incredibly good in the No Minion deck, and this gives me the same vibe. It’s also easier to activate AND the minions have lifesteal, although it also summons one 3/3 less. All in all, it seems very powerful for that archetype, but I don’t trust that deck to be that powerful. After all, Demon Hunter is a pretty bad class right now and this cards isn’t good enough to make me want to play the solo spell archetype.
Brutal Annihilan
It’s a good, even great, big demon for the Big Demon archetype, but unfortunately that archetype sucks. The presence of Renathal in the meta makes Big archetypes which can’t cheat their minions out much weaker and basically unplayable against control decks, which have tons of removals and value for days. This card won’t change that, it doesn’t give DH anything that it didn’t have before and it won’t change the sorry state of that archetype.
Unliving Champion
Seems like a good card, it’s for sure the best token undead card Shaman can play and if that deck is going to be around, this is going to be the very core of that deck. However, that package as a whole feels pretty underwhelming, and this won’t see play anywhere else.
I guess there might be, but kind of the point of token decks is to be overwhelming, creating big board, buffin them up and killin the opponent before they can remove it. A midrange decks tends to be more careful with their resources: take Elemental Shaman, a pretty good deck even today if you give it a chance, for example. Elemental Shaman plays on curve, it discovers and generates a lot of cards and eventually burns you down with Brukan or whatnot. Token Undead shaman doesn’t seem to have that same reach.
Another great card for the Big Shaman archetype, but for how good this is, big minion decks can’t thrive if they don’t have ways to cheat their minions out in earlier turns. The issue is this: big minion decks have to use a lot of space in their deck for their big minions, but said big minions can’t be played early one, making those decks particularly bad against aggressive aggro decks; however, they also suck against control decks because they usually have a finite number of resources and control decks will keep all of their removal cards for those big minions, rendering them ineffective. There are a couple of solutions to this issue: playing Vandarr or playing Renathal. Vandarr reduces the cost of your minions, making it so the big minions can take protect you from aggressive decks and kill control deck because they come out too early for them to have the removals they need to protect themselves. Renathal makes it so you can put more stuff into your deck, so that you can include some tech cards against aggressive decks and put more value against control decks, while having 10 more health to fend off early aggression. The good thing about Renathal is that it’s consistent, while Vandarr needs to be drawn in order to do anything; all in all, I can see Renathal being the only small minion in that deck, but will it be enough for Big Shaman to be as powerful as it needs to? I have my doubts: Denathrius and the Jailer might be the two wincons you need to win against Control decks, but at that point is all of that big minion stuff even worth running if you end up winning with two cards which don’t have any particular interaction with that stretegy (except for being two big 10 mana minions)? I am not convinced Big Shaman will end up being meta, I think it will be pretty lackluster.
Overlord Drakuru
Very cool and reactive card, it also interacts with “From de other side”. In that kind of big deck can do great plays, but it’s still a 9 mana card, and at 9 mana there are some way more powerful plays available to most classes. For one, that 9 mana 4/4 which eats up 3 of your minions and gain its stats is so powerful and counters this so well that I fear this card just isn’t there yet. Big Shaman doesn’t seem to have the tools to close out games against control decks and it can’t do much against early aggression: all in all, I don’t think it will be a meta deck.
I honestly don’t know in what meta are y’all playing. I watched my friend try to get to Legend, which he did, with that deck and it’s absolutely unfair. Having lethal turn 6-7 by doing that kind of dmg from hand is not the kind of meta I wanna play in, and the only deck against the which it may lose is Armor Druid, which is one of the craziest and most powerful decks I have ever seen, since they can reliably get to more than 10 mana and more than 50 health. The issue with Hunter though is that it was clearly not the intended way of playing that card. The whole idea behind taht deck, being this weird combo burst deck, is not what Blizzard was going for, and that makes sense since it’s very toxic and basically uncounterable. All in all, I hope they are going to completely gut the deck, making it so the Shockspitter can’t go face anymore, or at least make it 4 mana or something like that. Making it 3 mana would probably suffice as well, since it would slow down the deck quite a bit, but I honestly don’t look forward to a deck which kills you on turn 10 rather than on turn 6, it doesn’t seem like that much of an improvement to me.