Cuckold's Comments
Zalae's Season 22 Hobgoblin Warlock Zoo
Interesting deck concept that Zalae has really fine-tuned. In earlier versions he included two Murloc Tinyfins and one Wisp. The problem with these cards I imagine was that they were really dependent on having the Hobgoblin, so while on turn 3 something like Hobgoblin -> Tinyfin -> Tinyfin was disgusting, it was also incredibly all-in and without the Hobgoblin they were really dead cards. In their place (from the variation I last saw), I think he put in two Argent Squires and Loatheb.
Although I can’t argue with Godlento’s decks, I’ve been running a variation of this myself borrowing aspects from Loyan’s control deck. For me, I went:
Totem Golem x2 -> Doomsayer x2
Totem Golem is an incredible card that works very well with Tunnel Trogg, but it feels really difficult to curve well with it, and Doomsayer provides a very strong turn 2 play against aggressive decks. Since this deck will simply never win in tempo against a well-curving Paladin, I thought going for the control aspect would simply be better. I also made one more change:
Blackwing Corruptor x1 -> Healing Wave
Only having one Healing Wave lost me a couple of games (at least, statistically my odds would have been better with two). It’s Joust-based, so one just feels very inconsistent and slightly YOLO. I’m sacrificing a really strong minion to run two but it feels right so far. This is likely because Kolento, as a better player, can play with a smaller margin of error than I can.