Crxne's Comments
Overload Shaman (Alternative Version : Elementals)
Thanks for your advices I will modify some stuff !
Overload Shaman - Guide included
Alternative / Elemental version of the deck is uploaded ! Give me your thoughts on this ๐
Overload Shaman - Guide included
The issues with Cubelock are of course the fact that without Hex you can’t win, but Cubelock struggles a lot with the board you can build up because it doesn’t run Twisting Nether, so I agree with the 50/50, I have a positive win rate against Cube but it can also be a stomp when you have no answers. Cube can be faster and will be faster most of the time, but if you mulligan Hex, then you can easily shut down the first plays and gain advantage with Giants and Ancestral Spirit.
Overload Shaman - Guide included
Thanks for your feedback I appreciate a lot ๐ As you said, silences are a real pain especially for Earth Elemental, this is why this is not a top tier deck, I still hesitate for the addition of Doomsayer but I don’t wont the deck to be a full passive control deck until you get the giants, the list can still evolve, I’m working on an alternative version with more elementals, will be uploaded asap!
Overload Shaman - Guide included
I already released a deck list with the cubes before the new expansion, you can check the following link
The issue about the cubes is that the whole time it’s in your hand without any target, it’s a dead card (as in cubelock but warlock has a lot of things to play and more tools to accelerate the summoning of the minions supposed to be eaten by the cubes). I had a lot of fun with this list but it appeared to be really weak, I didn’t try it in the new meta but as you said, nearly every deck runs one or two silences so it’s really risky and most of the time it will be shut down by a spellbreaker. Thanks for the feedback also !
Beginner odd warrior deck
The list is fine, I just have a few thoughts on it ๐ Green Jelly is interesting for the quest and but it’s too weak to be played in 2 copies, Rotten Applebaum is very strong compared to it so you should remove one Jelly for another Rotten Applebaum. You also have a lot of turn 3 and I don’t think the Grizzly is really worth playing because of the amount of good taunts you already have, I would rather see something that can help you getting the board in the early game, maybe Firefly or a Rush minion, even if it’s the 3 mana Worgen it will be more efficient than Grizzly, the best Rush being Darius of course, Rush is very important in this list because you lack of board clears (only Brawl and Whirlwind which is not really used as a board clear). Otherwise I think this is a good list for beginners !
Overload Shaman - Guide included
These spells are the basis of the deck, it’s around these cards that you want to play, in several pro decks they were played in 2 copies and I didn’t feel like it was absolutely useless while playing. But it can happen they are useless in some match-ups so I’ll reconsider the possibility to play only one Spirit Echo. I tried Doomsayer but it has become very easy to take down, for Dude Paladin it’s not so useful by the fact it can generate a board very easily, I didn’t find the doomsayer useful enough. That’s still a card you can add for sure!
Deathstalker rexxar and Kathrena winterwisps friendly animals!
I didn’t want to be insulting it was just a question, it’s just that the deck goes in many many directions at the same time which is not very good, so it could need some work on it, I didn’t want to be mean don’t worry!
Countess Ashmore
I really hope it’s not the case otherwise this will be played in EVERY deck…
Countess Ashmore
I’m sure this draws only one card because in french it’s translated “Draw one card with Deathrattle, Lifesteal, Rush in your deck”. There is no way this draws 3 cards, way too strong, but it’s still very good because targeted draw is always nice!
Countess Ashmore
I don’t know if this draws 3 cards actually, I think it is more “draw a card with Lifesteal or Rush or Deathrattle”, otherwise this is absolutely stupid and overpowered. If this is actually what people think, this is the new Dr Boum.
I don’t think it would see play unless Astral Tiger can be copied and goes back in the deck as a 10/10, this would be very interesting. That’s all I can see for this card because there are not that much minions you want to play again for 10 mana, maybe a cool card for Quest Druid, for the moment it looks good but is it really useful ? :/
Working Elemental Shaman...
Elemental Shaman is a deck I’m also working on… there are a few things that could be changed in your deck, first one is Fire Plume Harbinger which is a very weak minion but it could be played in one copy because reducing the cost of Bogshaper or else is still ok. Cairne is honestly useless here, even though it’s a good card you already have Fire Elementals on turn 6 which are way better in this archetype. It’s 99% sure Witch’s Cauldron is a very bad card so I would remove it, Earth Shock may not be useful because of Hex you already have so I’d replace these two for Doomsayers which are essential unless a new AoE for Shaman comes out. This is my point of view, I hope it will help you and I also hope elemental shaman will be good enough in the meta.
By the way, check out my version, it’s more control-oriented than yours but it’s still a similar archetype ๐ :
And also, its stats are a little weak but very defensive (especially against priest who hates 4-attack minions) so it can survive several turns.
This card will actually **** up my mind for 2 reasons : first, it’s an Elemental and Shaman has a lot of excellent Elementals you want to have in hand (Kalimos, Grumble why not, Fire Elemental, Snowfury Giants). Second, the way the card works may allow control Shaman to play a lot of big minions and Unstable Evolution, the best spell to play with this card I think.
I can’t say if it’s good of not but it has a nice potential I will try to exploit in theorycrafting, I would be really sad not seeing this played at least in one special archetype!
Gun Spire control warrior
Still not sure if the Turret will be good enough, looks very weak in my opinion but we need to try it, a few things I don’t understand are : why do you run 2 Skulking Geist while having Shield Bash and Whirlwind which are extremely important in the deck ? Why is there no Brawl or at least King Mosh (you definitively need such cards in control warrior) ? Why do you play Argus (except on the turret or a wasp it’s not useful) ?
I also don’t really think Red Wasp is good enough but why not, the idea is good but some replacements must be made ๐
Mill Gnomelock
I really like the combo with Gnomeferatu, I’m pretty sure this will be played, what do you think of including Meat Wagon in the deck ? this card was played with Summoning Portals
King Krush can replace the Violet Wurm if you want, it’s still very good. Considering Exploding Bloatbat, I honestly think this card is too bad to see play, you have two options here : play the secrets (Explosive trap of course) or play Doomsayer and Unleash the Hounds which are key to win against aggro. That’s all I can say for now, I only played 7 games with this deck and I got crushed by Paladin whatever the solution I had (secrets or doomsayer I mean). But it’s pretty good against Warlock ! Thanks for yout comment ๐