Crooked.Nose's Comments
How To Use Your Free Galakronds - Theorycrafted Galakrond Budget Decks
Thanks for the speedy reply!
I’ll be sure to stay tuned to your YouTube channel to see where the meta goes.
Without being too much of a fanboy, you’ve been my favourite Hearthstone YouTuber since I discovered your channel a year ago, so I’m extremely glad to see you sharing your expertise on this site!
How To Use Your Free Galakronds - Theorycrafted Galakrond Budget Decks
I absolutely love these decks, great work for getting such a detailed guide out so early into the expansion!
From the full-budget lists, i.e the ones without Kronx and the class epics, which deck would you predict will see the most success?
I understand this is a difficult question to answer, as the meta has yet to be determined. On a similar note, would you recommend I wait until the meta has settled before picking a deck to craft, or are these relatively safe crafts right now?
Budget Combo Priest Deck List Guide (Saviors of Uldum)
Awesome guide as usual, keep it up with the great work!
Is Extra Arms still viable after its nerf back to 3 mana, and is it still worth keeping in your opening hand when you already have a 1-drop?
Budget Tempo Rogue Deck List Guide (Rise of Shadows)
Hey, I crafted two Preparations and replaced both Argent Squires, therefore I would like to add one or two copies of Sprint. How many copies would you recommend I include and what card(s) should I cut?
Budget Tempo Rogue Deck List Guide (Rise of Shadows)
I’m also wondering the same thing! In my opinion, Miscreant is still ridiculously powerful – I mean at this point, Lackeys ARE the meta – and even the full-cost Tempo Rogues still run it.
On the subject of Preparation, however, I wouldn’t really know if it’s still viable or not, as I’m mostly a casual player myself. Despite the Prep + Raiding Party combo not being as potent as it once was, I believe Preparation is still usable as a tempo card, but I could be waayy off in my understanding.
Hearthstone Budget Decks For The Great Dark Beyond, Cheap Decks for Laddering in Hearthstone!
Absolutely adore this site, and since finding it a few years back, I haven’t touched any other Hearthstone sites since! The degree of professionalism placed into every guide and the speed at which this site’s content is updated after huge game updates and expansions is unrivaled by any other sites out there.
Necessary praise aside, will these budget decks need updating after the Rise Of Shadows nerfs and the new classic set cards, or have there been minimal changes to the meta and included cards?
Budget Secret Mech Paladin Deck List Guide (Rise of Shadows)
I am not sure whether this was in the guide before my previous comment or added after, but I just re-read your guide and noticed that the reason for there being no low-cost mechs in the deck is explained under the Kangor’s Endless Army card substitution.
If this was there before, I apologise for having asked something already mentioned in the guide, I must have missed it when skimming over the guide.
Very well-written and detailed guide though, by the way, great work!
Budget Secret Mech Paladin Deck List Guide (Rise of Shadows)
I really like this deck, but I was wondering why Glow-tron wasn’t included in the list.
As far as I’m aware, it is a strong, 1-drop Me h that works with the Mech synergy in the deck.
Although, I assume that because of all the 1-cost secrets that a 1-drop Mech is a bit overkill?
Hearthstone Budget Decks For The Great Dark Beyond, Cheap Decks for Laddering in Hearthstone!
EDIT: Please ignore my comment above.
I completely forgot that I’d already asked this on you “Rise Of Shadows Deck Lists” article.
Didn’t mean to spam, lol.
Rise of Shadows Decks - Hearthstone Pro & Streamer Legend Deck Lists, Deck Ideas, Decks for All Classes!
Thank you so much for all the hard work that you put into keeping this site up-to-date and high quality, it really shows!
Rise of Shadows Decks - Hearthstone Pro & Streamer Legend Deck Lists, Deck Ideas, Decks for All Classes!
Will you be updating your budget decklists for this expansion/new year of Hearthstone?
I have been and always will be a budget player and updated decks would really help me!
Hearthstone Budget Decks For The Great Dark Beyond, Cheap Decks for Laddering in Hearthstone!
Will these decks be updated for Rise Of Shadows/Year of the Dragon?
This deck looks so fun, can’t wait to give it a go! I love how generous Blizzard were with the DH class in general, and the free cards they gave out.