Corkinator's Comments
Ramp + fatigue DRUID (help me to finish my dream)
With the number of 1 ofs in this deck, you’d probably have more success adding reno in, but keeping two copies of naturalise and coldlight. The idea with Fatigue druid and ramp druid is getting the most value out of your mana, with no more poison seeds combo, its hard to pull the board back once you lose control. I would put in more tempo board control orientated cards like rag and sylvanas. That way if you do land an early innervate or nourish you can get the best value out of it. Value value value. replace some of your 2 of taunts with things like bog creeper or sogoth. Menagerie warden might be a good addition, also look at mulch, great value and suits theme of the deck. Overall fatigue druids in a pretty poor place, good luck.
not menagerie warden, the curator