Coldplay3R's Comments
Deathstalker Rexxar
Guess that i was right.. Card is strong if used as a last resort. The aoe can win you a lot of early matchups that you failed to take board early.
Tainted Zealot
Nice that i was so on point on this one. Card is awesome in lot of decks.
Ghastly Conjurer
After the release of the expansion my analyst was point on. This card is awesome in all mage decks that use some sort of combo or be aggresive providing protection for key minions. And it’s sure hard to kill.
In arena it’s even better because tbe tempo it generates.
I think it’s the most used mage card of the expansion statwise.
Note still stands.. 4/5
Uther of the Ebon Blade
After 4 days i still hasn’t lost a game vs paladin using that card. When all have fun trying new control decks it’s good as it’s a win more card. Still believe it’s useless in rest.
This card will be seen in a ton of midrange/control decks. You don’t need to have all 4 mechanics. Lifesteal, taunt and divine shield it’s enough to make this one work. 6 possible heal for a 3-3, 4 mana taunt minion can win you the game versus aggresive decks.
Design and Art 4.5/5
Usability and Versatility(deck building purposes) 5/5
Solo Power Value (arena wise) 3/5
Tainted Zealot
Good statement man. Right on point.
This card can be played in many spell based decks. It’s a niche card, but not bad at all. It’s a lot stronger than Thalnos cause you will, most of the time, used it with a board clear(the legendary is much better for your cycle in a combo deck – but u can’t have 2 in each deck, right?), and it’s hard for the opponent to do 2 consecutive attacks in the same turn to kill it, so you can make use of the spell power the turn after.
Awesome card
Art and Design 5/5
Usability and Versatility 4/5
Solo Value(arena wise) 2/5
Uther of the Ebon Blade
Paying 9 mana to heal for 10 without it doing nothing to impact the game is still trash. And it doesn’t even work with Tirion that usually is the best 8 mana play for the control paladin deck – he gives u the same weapon.And the problem that the hero power still sucks. A card that will be dead in hand most of the time and you never get to play it. Hell, even forbidden healing is better.It’s just a win more card.
You talking shit to me even if i didn’t say anything against you or any other person here it’s the definition of you having a problem, like most grumping hating guys that are playing this game.
I wrote objectively my opinion and I explained it. I made tons of ‘original’ decks that made it to legend and that experience makes me believe i know what I’m saying and I am right. This card is just garbage and will not see any play even if you guys hyped it that much.
But if your so sure about this being “meta defining” i dare u to craft a golden one in the first moment the expansion is available.
Toxic Arrow
I love everything about this card. New cool effect, good value for mana, nice art and the most wanted versatility.
Uther of the Ebon Blade
For 9 mana it doesn’t do that much. You better of playing the lich king or Nzoth.
Shadow Essence
I like this card and the other priest card they released, even if most of them as the same old boring style. The only difference is that you have different card with same effect => you can make strong RAZA/RENO/QUEST soup decks that are good.
This card will be played in that type of deck and will do good there.
Design and Art 2/5 – it just looks ugly
Card solo power 3.5/5
Usability 3.5/5
Ok maybe I’m overhyping this card a bit, but certainly this type of effect is very strong. Let me explain why I said what I did:
In constructed:
In decks that this card will find her place(mostly aggro/midrange types) the effect alone can snowball the game in your favor. Yeah you compare it with argent protector, but remember that argent protector is a paladin card, a class that doesn’t have burst damage. And imo immune is worth more than divine shield. Imagine you have an early board you go for aggresive plays, and then you can counter his defensive ones without taking damage and doing more damage the next turn and u finish with your burn cards. Or even in paladin this card with the buff cards will be very very strong as this will allow to trade for free.
In Arena:
I can rate it as maybe as high as Spikeridged Steed, a card that is a stample in that mode. The stats are good as there are not many cards with 4-3 stats for 3 mana that counters it, and the effect is much more valuable as time goes by.
Giving divine shield types of effect to powerful aggro/midrange decks is not something to mess with.
Fallen Sun Cleric
this card is better than shattered sun cleric as the mana cost is lower and have the same effect. You basicaly have a decent 3-2 drop for 2 but you can use it as an activator for other stuff that is why it’s a great card. I gave it 4/5 because it’s a decent card and will do great in some decks and arena.
The days of dr boom type of card that is good in all decks are long gone and most of the cards in this expansions are awesome because are ale usable in constructed in a way or another. Now you can make a ton of decks of tier 2-3 with a lot of cool cards that you won’t see very often, and don’t feel bad about it.
Uther of the Ebon Blade
I’m not a hipster lul. I just said my insight about the card.
How is this card even good ?
You think you can play beardo and 2 burgly so you can do the combo with it? How often that will work?
How is the lifesteal on the weapon that great? You need a ton of turns to make it feasible.
And how can you play this card when u played Tirion a turn before? A card that is so much better than this trash.
I still think this card will be just dust that’s how bad this one is. Hell even the troll one trick pony shaman deathknight is 4 times better than this garbage.
Bring It On!
the more i look at this card the more i see it as as good one. Yeah the drawback is bad but you chose when to activate it. One copy is decent vs aggro as it can save you the game and vs control you can use it at bait.Not that bad of a design either. Cool card.
Design 5/5
Usefulness 4.5/5
Card Value 3/5
Uther of the Ebon Blade
Worst DeathKnight of the set even without knowing the warlock one. Will never see play.
For 9 mana u get an Ashbringer without a minion and a Justicar hero power. You need to wait 4 turn to activate it without the tokens to die so you will never activate the condition. There is no card to enable this combo right now, maybe if they invent a 2 mana card that say you can use your hero multiple times it will see some play if not, this is just dust.
if this card would have been 3-4 statswise would have been the most op card ever printed.
This card will see play in a lot of decks it’s just that kind of broken.
The most depressing thing about this card it will force you play the game in a certain way.
Drakkari Defender
Very good card in a control wild deck with 4 overload neglect cards(Eternal Sentinel, Lava Shock). Will see play in arena for sure as the overload in late game is not that bad if you can stabilize board.
Cool balanced card overall as most of the one in this new set.
Fallen Sun Cleric
+ Cool Art. I think it will look even better in golden. Maybe I can see it working in zoo like an activator for deathratttle effects.
+ Arena Card in rest.
Not all cards have to be op to get a good score for design. There is a need for filler cards.
Desperate Stand
all the divine shield minions that paladins have will make this card good. if there will be a deck with it in it then it will be very annoying to play vs. Very strong too with all the deathrattle cards.
Druid should be balanced with Innervate in Hall of Fame and Infestation that can only target minions. It will make both Jade and Aggro be a little more fair.
I have no worries that priest will “take over” like most of you do here because that deck is so late game and so easy to counter. And it seems fair.
Jade druid is pure stupidity and makes you lose on spot if you don’t play a very aggressive deck or a specific counter for it. Mid-range decks are completely dead after the new expansion because of that deck and that should never happen in a game.