chiko's Comments
Laughing's Freeze Mage (June 2016, Season 27)
For anyone who wants to see this deck played in standard. Thijs was just streaming today with a similar list. He gives some good pointers as to how to tackle the current meta and what to do when facing cancer decks like shaman. You can find the VOD on his twitch profile. It sounds like im advertising him but frankly its the only proper freeze mage VOD out there for standard format.
Laughing's Freeze Mage (June 2016, Season 27)
Thijs said on his stream today that Antonidas is too slow in the current meta. Its only good against heavy control matchups like warrior. If you really want to i`d replace pyro or a torch.
Laughing's Freeze Mage (June 2016, Season 27)
The torches are your reach when the opponent can go above 30 hp or has healing abilities. I would probably sub it with archmage antonidas if you have it. And either a 2nd acolyte or a cone of cold depending whether you need cycle or board control more.
Laughing's Freeze Mage (June 2016, Season 27)
Same here. I`ve been searching quite a lot as well. I was hoping you would have a magic trick up your sleeve. The deck is still extremely powerful and does seem to stop the aggro shaman cancer but with the lack of mad scientist it seems the skillcap increased a lot. I still cant decide whether barrier saves you more hp or CoC.
Laughing's Freeze Mage (June 2016, Season 27)
Hey Evident! Did you get your hands on any VODs of people playing post-standard Freeze Mage? I need some pointers as to how to play in the new meta.
Replaced Deathwin Dragonlord for Chillmaw as its super strong against aggressive decks like aggro-shaman. Replaced Forbidden Shaping for the second Entomb cause i dont like the card that much. The deck became incredibly consistent and does very good against cancer decks! Climbed from 18 to 11 in a couple hours.