CD001's Comments
"A Storm Is Coming" - March 17 Announcements? New Expansion Set It Nagrand/Outland?
Forget Jade Idol … I, for one, welcome Jade Lunara, Jade Medivh and Jade Morgl … (*yeah*)
Key Cards Rotating Out in 2020 (Year of the Phoenix?) - Part 1 (Neutral Cards)
Aaaah Wizbang – the only card I have ever crafted a golden version of… I think he should be made the final “basic” reward – when you’ve completed all the tavern training missions you should get a Wizbang, he is *that* wonderful
Battlegrounds Rating Distribution - See How High You Are Based on Your Rating!
“You can be bad at it, you can play hundreds of games and never go past 5k rating.”
I’m currently at about 5.2k with about 250 games under my belt; I only started playing BG again after they added dragons and the meta had changed enough that I had no idea what I was doing initially, so I dropped to about 4.5k fairly rapidly. It took me a couple of days to get the “feel” for current meta and start getting a positive win rate again.
The saying with MtG used to be something like “you’ll always win 1/3 of your games and always loose 1/3 – it’s the other 1/3 where skill comes into play”…
Hearthstone is similar except I reckon it’s closer to 80% random luck and 90% in Battlegrounds … but skill does make a difference.
"10 Fun Battlegrounds Facts" - Deathwing Nerf Likely Coming Soon, Millhouse "Could Use a Buff"
That would probably make him even more powerful than Tirion (as long as he can get Demons); Tirion basically buffs trash to super-power levels – Jaraxxus buffs one of the strongest tribes going (currently).
Deathwing already seems to warp the game – it seems that when people notice Deathwing has queued up they stock up on Rat Packs and Divine Shield minions. I suspect a buffed Jaraxxus would have a similar effect and everyone would buy Demons just to deny them to Jaraxxus.
Hearthstone Battlegrounds Heroes Tier List & Guide - Best Available Heroes & Strategies - August 2023
I’ve not had much luck with Tirion; either I don’t get offered neutral minions early enough for them to matter or I get stomped by divine shield/poisonous murlocs or massive dragons that have buffed faster (thanks to Kalyecgos) and/or have divine shield from Nadina. Generally a top-4 finish but never #1.
Deathwing, on the other hand, is ridiculous (though maybe less consisitent than Tirion). Especially with Deathrattles that spawn more stuff – you don’t even really need to worry about tribal synergy. About the most synergy I had in the last game was having Foe Reaper 4000 and Sneed’s Old Shredder (both buffed with Annoy-o-module) and Kangor’s Apprentice… #1 finish with about 30 health left!
Update on iOS & Android Issues, Battlegrounds Duo Queue, "Bugged" Mogu Fleshshaper, More Big Announcements Coming Mid-March
Seems the Android patch released this morning may have fixed it – not had a chance to actually try and play on my phone yet but I was at least able to get into “My Collection”
Update on iOS & Android Issues, Battlegrounds Duo Queue, "Bugged" Mogu Fleshshaper, More Big Announcements Coming Mid-March
“We’ve also seen players on Android experiencing a few issues that are preventing them from playing” … ye-es.
Since the patch it now hangs on my Samsung J5 when loading up (generally on the Hearthstone splash/intro screen).
However it’s fine on the Samsung s10e I’ve also got and the Kindle Fire 10. Go figure.
2020 Hall of Fame Rotation - Which Classic Cards Might Rotate out to Wild?
Couldn’t we just HoF Priest and be done with it?
Tavern Brawl - When Clones Attack!
Brawls nearly always end after the 1st victory for me, then it’s back to constructed – so I prefer *not* having to go through the hassle of creating a deck for a brawl I’m only playing for the payoff.
Next Masters Tour Event Moving From Indonesia to Los Angeles Due To Worries About Coronavirus
Isn’t the murder-rate in LA higher than the death rate, from Coronavirus, in Indonesia… just saying.
Dragon Masters Bundle is Available - Masters Tour Crowdfunding - 25x Year of the Dragon Card Pack + Random DoD Legendary for $19.99
It’s supposed to average out at around 1 Legendary every 20 packs.
With this being a new “type” of pack you’re guaranteed a Legendary in the first 10 packs leaving between 15 and 24 packs to get a second Legendary. So I think the average would be two Legendaries from the packs – plus the random one, giving three in total.
Which is what I got – the lucky part, for me, was that 2 of them were Legendaries I’ve been considering crafting anyway
Winged Guardian
As a Rogue main I’d just like to say, Pharaoh Cat just got a buff… and thank heck for Flik. Evasive cards are a pita for many Rogue decks.
The Fist of Ra-Den
How would this work with Everyfin is Awesome (wild) – would the legendary summoned be equal to the *printed* cost of the card (7) or the actual cost paid (Everyfin gets cheaper for each Murloc you control)?
Arcane Amplifier
Hmmm – we’ve had plenty of Dragon support, now this… I wonder if I can make a Coldarra Drake deck work in Wild again.
Sky Gen'ral Kragg
Sidequests count as Quests don’t they?
Would Sharkbait count as a summon for Hunter’s Clear the Way Sidequest?
The Pros and Cons of Non-Stop Balance Changes
I actually find metas themselves kind of boring… back in ye olde days, when I played physical MtG against friends, half the fun was caused by card scarcity – there was no meta, you built what you could with what you had. Well, I suppose there was sort of a meta, if I was playing mono-Black the odds were I’d be using a sacrifice deck with Breeding Pit and Lord of the Pit – because I had them – and my friends would know that I guess.
… but the number of games of HS I’ve had where one or the other of us has conceded just based on the opening one or two turns of a game, is ridiculous. “That’s a strong start for Face Hunter” – concede. “Oh, Priest” – concede (note: I hate playing priest, for or against).
Once the meta has settled you can often know whether you’ve won or lost within the first few turns – the rest of the game is just going through the motions. I guess that’s why I like my home-brewed combo decks so much… OTK is the ultimate swing if they don’t see it coming.
Another Nerf Patch Coming Soon - Galakrond Decks, Pirate Warrior, Deathrattle Rogue - More Info Next Week
There are a lot of cards that are complete garbage and only a few that are overpowered – it’s far easier to balance the game by nerfing the OP cards than buffing everything else.
Besides, to quote The Incredibles, “when everyone’s Super… no one will be.” – buffing has much the same effect as nerfing, it’s just a crap-tonne more work and nobody gets full-dust refunds.
The problem with *not* balancing anything is that the meta completely stagnates around a couple of OP decks and we get Shamanstone v3 (I remember the original Shamanstone era with Tunnel Trogg and Totem Golem) … which is pretty boring all round.
Highlander decks are pretty meh as a mechanic IMO (though they irritate my inner Flik Skyshiv) but Zephrys… Zephrys can f*** right off. In casual matches I’ll generally concede now before the opponent even gets a chance to pick – I detest Zephrys.
Despite the fact that I probably Rogue main, I actually dislike the entire burgle/steal mechanic. It’s bad enough that I’ve landed in a frustrating/tedious game vs Priest (there are no other kinds of game vs Priest) but to have them essentially kill me with my own deck just adds insult to injury.
So, yeah, currently I’m giving out free wins – all you need do is roll up playing Priest or Highlander Mage and I’ll concede.