Carleman's Comments
Best Hearthstone Decks - Standard Meta Tier List - The Great Dark Beyond (December 2024)
Dont feel bad about your call on Reno, i called the obelisk would eventually get nerfed…
Reno the Relicologist
Ok, so the best healer of this game is neither a priest nor a paladin… but a mage. “Whatever” says Blizzard, “were gonna be rich!”
Tune in for The Showdown in Dalaran - Dalaran Heist Pre-Release Event with Streamers (May 14-15)
Prerelease crap. MTG know how it’s done. Sealed deck event and the likes, that is interesting. But watching other people play is just, wrong…
Rise of Shadows Hearthstone Expansion Guide! Release Date, Card Spoilers, Pre-Purchase Info, New Mechanics And More!
The set that start a rotation should be bigger than others . This is going to be quite boring. I understand they afraid of power creep but this is just… meh…
HCT Winter Championship 2019 - All Deck Lists, Stats & Results!
I agree 100%. most annoying thing ever!
Hearthstone Balance Patch 9.1 - Nerfs to Fiery War Axe, Hex, & Innervate Live - Check Out Some Decks to Try!
First, Patches is in 2 of 4 tier-one deck in standard and 3 of 5 tier-1 deck in wild. So obviously the problem is FWA. Second,the stupid 10 UI of druid is obviously the problem so let’s make Innervate into a counterfeit coin. Just awesome game design on this one. Third, hex. Reall? I guess we should expect a shaman card in the next expansion that will be : 7 mana cost, take control of a 0-1 ennemi minion with taunt and give it +10+10, double windfury and charge. They wanted to prevent a OTK on this on so good job Ben and the team! The two other are ok fix , the spell and the murloc. But Patches the Pirate was the problem since the beginning and Ultimate Infestation is just over-brutal. It’s just plain bad from the design team here.
Rage's OTK Malygos Big Priest (September 2017)
I did try something close to this and it wasn’t really working for me but i’m a bad player so who knows? haha!
Three Step Priest (August 2017, Season 42, Ranked)
I really like your deck man this is a great idea!
New Big Changes Coming to Hearthstone - Nerfs to Innervate, Spreading Plague, Fiery War Axe, Hex, and Murloc Warleader!
Get your fact straight my friend. There is a LOT of movie preruns before they lunch them and they do actually change them a lot according to viewers comments. Just so you know.
Ben Brode Addresses Criticisms of the Upcoming Nerfs to Fiery War Axe, Murloc Warleader, Etc.
7 mana cost, 5-5 draw 2 cards get nerfed. 10 mana cost, 5-5, deal 5 damage, get 5 armor and draw 5 cards stays the same. Enough said
Fire Plume's Heart
I cant figure how you can lose with a WILD warrior deck built with this. Even Jade can be dealt with quite easy with a good use of brawl.
THIS, is to me the best card ever done in Hearthstone. I craft it on the 6th and dust it whenever they realize what they done. Maybe it wont be that good in standard so it’s even better, i’ll keep taping the hero effect as long is i’m aloud to. Golden warrior, here we come! hahaha!
It’s funny but yesterday i was playing and i felt like i was playtesting demon hunter. It’s hard to believe that with all the money Blizzard have they cant playtest nothing. So dumb and amateur…