captainpwn's Comments
Auto Golden Craft.
This will be in many decks!! 100% will be in a few meta decks.
[RoS] Tess Tak Rogue
It would be worth to try out for a few games. Hard to say how it will interact with other decks. Aggro decks seem okay because you would want to be careful to Backstab, Vendetta, and Walk the Plank on your own minions. I can see an advantage with Pilfer, Togwaggle, and Espionage. Other than that I do not see too many cards synergizing well with Vargoth. Likely opponent will take out Archmage Vargoth in a turn or two. You would not have too much time to do much with it. Seems like you would have to combo on Turn 5 it like Archmage Vargoth + Pilfer or Togwaggle. Espionage maybe too slow on Turn 8 combo if your behind on the board. Depending on the meta it could or could not be a good inclusion. Its gonna be the wild west these next couple of weeks. We will see soon!
Silence Priest Theorycraft Deck List – Rise of Shadows - April 2019
@Tharid Interesting archetype! Would be great to see if it can hold up. I would consider using a Sunfury Protector and Mass Hysteria for controlling the board if your behind. Especially against aggro decks. I would get rid of Shadow Madness and Cabal Shadow Priest because there conditional cards based on what your opponent does. I would remove one Circle of Healing to add an extra Silence to have a slightly better chance of drawing a silence card to activate your Watchers giving you a 1/5 chance. I look forward to trying out this deck!
[RoS] Tess Tak Rogue
@Robert260 Added instead a “Pilfer” to the deck to help activate Underbelly Fence early in the game. There are not too many supporting pirates to justify Raiding Party. With Underbelly Fence not being a pirate does not make the card worth it having it in the deck. Thanks for point this out!
HELP – QUESTION: When you put your mercenaries down on the board is the left side SLOWER OR FASTER? I can not find this information anywhere lol Meaning what is the advantage of changing the order of your mercenaries. One side is faster than the other on a tie right.