CanIHazCarry's Comments
Wild Renolock
I don’t play this exact list, but one that’s very similar and Emperot is awesome. Discounting the 8 to 9 cards that are in your hand is amazing.
Why is it random??
You decide what minions go into your deck.
All you have to do is build around that.
I’m in love *.*
This card is awesome. Maybe it’s not amazeingly strong.
Recruit Control in wild with
Ragnaros the Fielord
Soggoth the Slitherer
The Lich King
Troggzor the Earthinator
Y’shaarj, Rage Unbound
The Top 10 Best Wild Legendaries - Hearthstone Top 10s
HAHA. Yeah maybe I should read the description next time.
Ty mate :*
The Top 10 Best Wild Legendaries - Hearthstone Top 10s
Wait a minute where is Patches the Pirate??? :O He’s lit af!! Best card ever…..
1. Patches the Pirate
2. Reno Jackson
3. Sir Finley Mrrgglton
4. Loatheb
5. Emperor Thaurissan
6. Mal’Ganis
7. Bran Bronzebeard
8. Prince Keleseth
9. Sunkeeper Tarim
10. Kazakus
That’s my top 10 best Legendaries
You don’t need Sylvanas to play Renolock. Shes cool and strong. But weak in many matchups.
I don’t personally play here in my list.
Mal Ganis is amazing in this deck. ALLSTAR!!! Get him.