c0l0rs's Comments
Highlander Paladin - #89 Legend (dukkai) - Uldum Post-Nerf
I replaced it with Kangor for the start. Why would I need 8 card draw? I mean I could use Lay on Hands, but I don’t see it.
Highlander Paladin - #89 Legend (dukkai) - Uldum Post-Nerf
Replacement for Octosari? I don’t realy want to craft that one as it doesn’t seem to be the most viable legendary^^
Sir Finley of the Sands
imagine a world where this is a standalone goodcard which doesn’t require to build a deck around? i know, it’s weird, but think about it…. just stick it a controlepaladin and it’s totally finewith alot of flexibility. controlepala always had bad earlygameminions so it just used neutral minions this however is a good oncurve card but still is a good topdeck later in the game. I realy don’t know why you’re so mad.
HSTD's "The Dalaran Heist" Full Adventure Giveaway! Unlock all five Chapters, 16 Packs and Zayle!
I’m on the discord, but somehow it doesn’t count for your giveaway. Thanks alot anyways 🙂
Jepetto Big Warrior
Mhm, I realy don’t like the stegodons. have you experimented?
I’m considering: abomination, warmage, tunnel blaster, ziliax
Muckmorpher Shaman - Rise Of Shadows Pre-Release Event (Alliestrasza)
i like the absic idea to, unlike other deckbuilders did, also add some lowcost minions who have a nice upside into the deck. however I’m not convinced of cho and thalnos, also I think the minionpool is to big. I think you should cut some, and add some more spells so you have a more defined gameplan instad of beeing all over the place.
Midrange Mech Paladin Theorycraft Deck List – Rise of Shadows - April 2019
-A new challenger was bad last expansion and got worse (safeguard beeing the best target which already has taunt, if you realy want it jsut play it directly instead; meanwhile some of the better outcomes rotate out), the only reason you’d ever play it is cause you desperately need it for shyrvalla.
-call to adventure is a bad carddraw unless you manage to synergise well with the buff or the tutor. this deck does neither of those, so why play it?
-you literally slapped some of the worst mechs of the last expansion in this deck. Why would framebot or menace be good now?
– the only secret that ever was viable without secretsynergies in pala was avenge. why would you put never surrender in a deck that has no synergies with secrets? this deck doesn’t even fill the board enough that you’d need that “extra stickiness vs boardclears”.
I don’t know man, I usually think the promoted decks here are usually at least fine, often beeing quite okish to good, but this? Sorry to be harsh and all, but this looks like “I’mma slam all mechs in a deck and add alittle all over the place” to it.
Daring Escape
this basically looks like “let’s give questrogue another tool, now that we nerfed it twice and it’s in wild now”
Witch's Brew
what echosynergies exist? I can’t think of any. the only thing i can imagine is that this is a foul trick to make it not synergise with krag wa (even though the wording still sounds like you’d get several copies.
Archivist Elysiana
no, she doesn’t draw 5 cards, one shuffles a pack (containing 5 cards) into your deck, the other shuffled the map of the golden monkey in the deck. shuffling a pack with 5 cards in the deck gives 5 cards for 2 mana as soon as you draw the pack, however she also stalls your fatigue by one, drawing 5 cards is getting you faster to fatgieu by 5 turns. this is very important for a contorle/fatiguedeck.
Archivist Elysiana
unlesss those decks will make up 30% of the meta noone will play this as a tech against them (techs against a single specific archetype rarely ever see play, usually the techs that see play are targetted towards one archetype, but also cover others like geist not only removing jadeidol but also other key 1-mana-spells like smite, inner fire, darkpact, play dead, druid spellstone, PW:S, PO, Shieldslam etc. pp.). however, hakkar and other fatiguedecks themselves will gain a 10 card advantage towards fatigue/remove the blood from their deck.
are you high? this and linecrackers effect combined is obviously totaly OP rush+multiple attacks+doubleing attack on overkill is insane. This card is still good for example for wallpriest.
Mass Resurrection
How exactly is that good news? resurrectpriest has been a meta deck for 3 years now (i guess, at least it feels like it) and it’s not exactly a very satisfying deck to play against. it’s way to high/low-rolly what minions you get when and in what matchup.
Rise of Shadows Card Reveal Livestream Card List - All Cards Revealed on Stream - March 25!
cora does look quite off on the picture above, I didn’t recognise her at first glance either.
Madame Lazul
wat? how is the new hagatha not a minion card or OG rafaam? propably all evils will have a minion card.
Swampqueen Hagatha
realy? look at previous expansions, there is always one, maybe 2 cards that are underestimated, however there are always 5-10 cards that come out as utter trash even though the comunity said that they are strong. This is obviously a bad card as it is way to slow, even in mage with the nice, big spells this card propably wouldn’t see play.
The problem about shaman spells are not the spells of the expansions, it’s the spells of the classic se4t: ancestral healing, frostshock, totemic might, earth shock, forked lightning, ancestral spirit, far sight, some of these spells are good in specific decks (like bigshaman with ancestral spirit) and some are good in specific situations (like earthshock) but they are way to much all over the place and do way to little. There is currently basically only the shaman legendary spell and hex that are actually UNIVERSALLY good with the effect stated above, next best thing are propably lightning storm and rain of toads and sometimes, depending on your hand, eureka, besides those spells, the rest are all bullshit (and no bloodlust is bad, you won’t be able to play a 7 mana 5/5 and have a big enough board afterwards to get a bloodlust going)
Tell me exactly what other spell is good (and I even include spells that rotate out) UNIVERSALLY (don’t come up with “if opponent has XY and I luckily get spell YZ it wins me the game) and explain to me why you wouldn’t just put the spell itself in the deck (because no shamanspell besides volcano which is bad when played with a 5/5 body currently seas alot of gameplay) but somehow you’d prefer to randomly generate it from another card.
And your farsightscenario? you’re just making up an ideal scenario that isn’t even that ideal. Let’s replace your farsightscenario with an actually good scenario: turn 3 farsight into turn 4 rain of toads/fire elemental/eureka/grumble and ahve a mana remaining. are those plays good? no, but they’re definitly better than turn 3 do nothing, turn 4 do nothing and play a 5/5 without any immideat impact.
hearthstone is a tempogame, not a valuegame. Best example: Why is the lichking a very powerfull card and an autoinclude in every bigspellmage whereas syndragosa who offers way more value and ahs natural synergies with the DK-heropower is only in a few lists and basically considered a tech for controlematchups? because the LK has taunt and syndragosa doesn’t.
Hearthstone doesn’t allow you to play a 7 mana 5/5 just to get some whacky chance for good spells the turn later. The only minions in the meta without an immideat impact that are 7 mana or more are ysera who only sees play in decks where she’s also a dragonactivator and dreampetal florist who only sees play because she literally sets up the wincondition, some whacky, random generated spell on a 5/5 is definitly not a woncondition.
make it generate two of these things and it still won’t see play.
Stop talking vaguely about how you can potentially generate a good spell and tell me what spells you consider good universally (and not situational) and what are bad spells and you’ll realise that the list of bad spells is way longer.
Swampqueen Hagatha
well you could make the same argument about the shaman legendary weapon. Fact is: shamanspells are mostly trash so the random generated spells will not be great on average.
7 mana 5/5 is insanely bad tempo, so yes, this card is trash
had 2 games as elementals and 4 against elementals so far. what makes elementals way better than pirates, seems to be the fact that theyare way better transistable into/out of since they aren’t as heavily reliant as pirates are. goldgrubber was literally the only pirate that was playable outside of 7 pirates, heavily limiting your decissions and heavily klogging your board, elementals however can easily be played with only one or two elementals on the board. Espescially in the lobby where murlocs were banned later in the game I had double amalgadon and a garr that had over 300 hp. that’s some serious big numbers in a lobby where poisonous is VERY rare.