Butterkase's Comments
Hearthstone Mercenaries PvP Guide – How to Unlock PvP, Why You Want to PvP and How Is PvP Different from PvE (Updated)
If you play PvE with some Lvl 30 Mercs already, your Lvl 1 Mercs will also jump to Lvl 5 after a win. For example you have one Lvl 30 Merc and 5 Lvl 1 Mercs, its the same story as PvP. This only works if you if you do the Lvl 20- Lvl 30 PvE content, so you will need at least one advanced Lvl 30 Merc, so that you have a chance winning the match. So if I want to Lvl new Mercs, I usually go with 2-3 Lvl 30 Mercs and 3-4 Lvl 1 Mercs.
Tempo (Buff) Warrior - Top 500 Legend
It is not good against control decks, but farms mages and is good into rogues, demon hunters. Very fine vs hunter and druid. What rank bracket do you play on, how many games you played and what matchups you faced? Just saying its trash doesnt really help. At rank 500 it is working absolutely fine, since there is many rogues and mages. Its absolutely possible though your pocket meta contains lots of control decks. Would be nice if you give some more details.
Balance Update 21.3 For Constructed - 5 Nerfs, 7 Buffs, 1 Rework, 1 Ban - Releasing Tomorrow (September 21)
Quest Mage will never be the best deck, since there is a hard counter package every class can tech against them. Robes of Protection, posts, neophytes and ogremancer.. Mage doesnt beat that.
Tempo Warrior - Early #11 Legend (Butterkase) - United in Stormwind
😀 try again tommorow.
Jokes aside, I can feel with you, lost 3 in a row yesterday and won 4 in a row after.. In the current meta, if your opponent highrolls you often would have lost no matter what, which often results in winning and losing streaks.
It helps a lot to understand what your deck wants to do and what it is good at, you will get a better understanding why you lost. In the current meta, the best decks are Quest Handlock and Quest Shaman. If you want to win a lot of games, play one of those. Cheating with Overload, being immune to fatigue plus tons of healing nothing can compete with currently. Decks like taunt druid and shadow priest just try to roll a dice if they can be fast enough to win the game, before the meta decks to their unfair crazy shenanigans, but still their overall powerlevel is a lot weaker. Now Tempo Warrior is not a top tier meta deck, that does lots of unfair stuff like healing a ton or being immune to fatigue. Your only strength is to buff minions and try to delay your opponent with posts/neophytes and in addition to that, Robes of Protection makes it a more difficult task for your opponent dealing to deal with your board.
I can just recommend go over your games, look what archetypes you faced and who should have won these on paper. If you has good matchups you should try to figure out if your opponents highrolled and were very lucky or if you missplayed at some point in a favourable matchup. If you follow the ‘source’ link above, there is a reddit guide and you could post some replays in the comments if you want.
To be clear, I made this deck because I enjoy the ‘Tempo’ playstyle and it is fun to play. Especially if you can interrupt Questmage for example, whe your board is untargetable and gets buffed by their stuff. That’s fun, but it is not the most powerful strategy in the game. I didn’t share this deck because I think it is the tier 1 best deck in the game. It is a solid tier 2 deck, that is meant to target very specific matchups in the current metagame, but loses to others.
Might not help you at all what I said, you are probably just frustrated you lost, but its some thoughts could be worth thinking about.
Tempo Warrior - Early #11 Legend (Butterkase) - United in Stormwind
In the description (above decklist) you can click on the link ‘source’. You will find couple replays there and a guide for my previous very similar version. Feel free to pm me on reddit, I wouldnt mind watching couple games and share some thoughts if you are interested.
Tempo Warrior - Early #11 Legend (Butterkase) - United in Stormwind
Yes it can,
in platinum the most popular decks are Questline Shaman, Questline Mage and Questline Handlock.
Shaman and Mage are fine matchups for this deck, Handlock is still problematic. Handlock is still one of the beste decks though, not much that beats it.
Against Shadow Priest and Face Hunter you should be slightly favoured.
Most important with such Tempo Deck is your mulligan and precise play. You will need practice to pilot the deck well, thats the key to climb in plat/dia. Focus on improving your turns and usually it is best to play one deck only to master it.
In the mulligan your key cards are Warmaul Challengers, Stage Dive and Gan’arg, 2-drops also can be kept. However if you face combo/draw heavy decks like mage and demon hunter, your focus is on Robes of Protection, Posts and Neophytes. So you absolutely need to adapt your mulligan to your opponents class.
Also common mistakes would be to wait too long for the right moment and not playing your cards when you have the mana. For example don’t wait too long for Conditioning to be good. Just play it on turn 2 if you have the mana and nothing else to do. Also just play your Samuro on 4 if its buffed, often there is no reason holding it back when your opponent doesnt play for board anyways.
So if you enjoy/want to learn the ‘tempo’ playstyle, this deck is great and should be pretty fine into the platinum meta. Just take your time to learn the deck and if you have any questions about specific situations feel free to ask.
cheers butter
The Most Interesting Decks from Hearthstone Masters Tour Silvermoon
Tested a bit, Crossroads Watchposts feel pretty strong so far.
Went with this list:
Stage Hands could be replaced with Ogremancers/Moonfang of course, but I feel that is not needed in the current metagame. If meta would slow down a bit and more control heavy decks pop up, I’d definitely make changes, but currently meta is too aggressive.
The Most Interesting Decks from Hearthstone Masters Tour Silvermoon
Thank you for reviewing all these interesting lists.
Since I play a similar variant myself, I am most interested in the Handbuff Warrior list. I am curious about the inclusion of Crossroads Watchposts, might give that a shot myself. I am pretty confident you want to replace Cornelius with a Battlemaster though. If you have a buffed board it is a great finisher and drawing cards around turn 6 strikes me as too slow, most likely you have lost the game at this point. Ogremancers and Moonfang might be too slow for ladder as well. Personally I really like two Shields of Honor and a Taskmaster instead.
Viper and Studies you could argue about. In my experience you really prefer the rush minions pulled from Stage Dive and Studies can be rather akward together with conditioning, so I am not sure you want Studies in the list.
Alright thats just some ideas I wanted to share, on ladder there is still a decent amount of aggro decks, so I would consider some of the changes I mentioned.
Masters Tour Silvermoon Starts Today! Viewers Guide + YouTube Drops Information
I got 2 packs yesterday, aditionally to the previous ones, maybe check if your youtube is still linked to battlenet/you were logged in with your account?
Two Warlock Balance Changes Coming Next Week (August 31), Potentially More Later in September
Probably you are right, I just fear it might polarize the meta even more. Stealer Lock has enough counters in my opinion, I really have an issue with Handlock though, can’t really do much against it. So I’d much prefer a tiny nerf to Handlock, without destroying it completely, overall Handlock in Tier 1 is fine with me, but currently it seems like super S tier =D.
After all, if Stealer gets nerfed, my prediction is Shaman will be unstoppable unless you play Mage/Quest Hunter?! I really hope I am wrong here.
Two Warlock Balance Changes Coming Next Week (August 31), Potentially More Later in September
Tian Ding just twittered a win-rate ranking after the patch and QuestGiantWarlock is 4th with about 53,5% WR. The Stealer version doesn’t even make it in the list. (top 1% MMR of all players)
Top 10 Best Standard Decks From First Week of United in Stormwind
Warrior has just a bad matchup into mages. You have to accept that. The only really way is to play really big minions in combination with Robes of Protection and finish the game with Battlemaster to give your big bois windfury. This is a strategy that might work against mages, but if you build a deck like that, you probably lose to everything else. Still you can’t completely negate class identities. Hunter for example is supposed to lose to Warriors. So yes mage might have a broken deck now, but even without, Warrior is not necessarily supposed to win that much against Mages regardless.
Top 10 Best Standard Decks From First Week of United in Stormwind
If you want to stick to your class, you can try to tech against them. Watch Posts, Cult Neophytes, Ogremancer and Robes of Protection can inteterupt them.
Important to note, that devs don’t like fatigue strategies, so there is no support for fatigue control archetypes. If you try to build a control deck, you need to think of a win condition. That can be Silas OTK, Big Minions with Battlemaster etc. If you decided on a win condition you should also think about if it is a realistic one and if you found one thats working, you can build your deck around it and tech accordingly. Thats all I can give for advice.
Tempo Warrior - Top 500 Legend (Butterkase) - United in Stormwind
Note that the Questmage matchup is more or less unwinnable. If you see a bunch of them, you can include a copy of Robes of Protection and replace Stage Hand for example. That should help the matchup a lot, but weaken some other.
Top 10 Best Standard Decks From First Week of United in Stormwind
In the comments to the tweet, Tian Ding explains data shown represents top 1% of all active players, so it is not unfiltered.
Top 10 Best Standard Decks From First Week of United in Stormwind
I think Facehunter just profits from all the combo decks that keep control decks in check. Once people realize what decks perform best, control will be more prevelant, also Rush/Tempo Warrior seems very strong into the listed topdecks. Therefore over time, I think meta will balance itself and Facehunter will drop a bit. Hard to evaluate Shaman or Paladin though. I hope they don’t change the meta too soon. Doesn’t seem necessary changing meta at all as long there is so much movement going on still, at least in my Opinion.
Tempo Warrior - Top 500 Legend (Butterkase) - United in Stormwind
If you want to see the deck in action, you can check out this Thijs vod: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1113869550?t=02h59m08s
He plays OTK DH and you can watch the game from his perspective.
Handlock - Legend (Butterkase) - Galakrond's Awakening
Small Update:
The full adventure is out for about a week now and HSReplay statistics for this Handlock suggest a 52% winrate. Though the Shellfighter version remains strong at ~55%.
Therefore Boompistol and Poacher seem to be too situational and don’t do enough for our deck, therefore I’d recommend to go back to the Shellfighter version, which still seems to be the strongest (pure) Handlock deck. By ‘pure’ I mean without Galakrond, Lackeys or any other shenanigans.
Shellfighter: https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/decks/handlock-47-legend-butterkase-galakronds-w1/
Handlock - Legend (Butterkase) - Galakrond's Awakening
Hey all,
this list is not much different than the Shellfighter version I hit legend with last month, but I felt Shellfighter wasn’t good enough anymore, especially against Embiggen Druid and Dragon Hunter. Therefore Dragonmaw Poacher is the stronger tech in the current meta and Boompistol is a nice addition for the Rogue matchup giving me a quite easy climb to Legend (streaked 24-4 last couple days). You can find a guide for the deck linked in “source” above the decklist.
However Warlock is quite unpopular currently due to the many Hunters out there (occasionally you see some Galakrond Warlocks) and that matchup indeed can be tough. So performing well with this list requires a lot of experience and patience. If you have questions about gameplay or matchups feel free to ask or check out the guide.
Personally I stick to the Handlock archetype with very similar lists for 2 month now, because I really love it’s playstyle and therefore I keep trying to improve the list with the new adventure cards and adjusting it to the meta. So if Rogue, Hunter, Druid (classes that arguably have a better reputation and are way more popular) somehow aren’t doing the trick for you on ladder, maybe give that Handlock a try.
Cheers Butterkase
I think task #5 is fixed.. At least on mobile was working for me