BrokenGlass's Comments
Quest Rogue 2.0 (Kobolds and Catacombs)
It probably isn’t that optimal of a list, but it should do the trick. For now I am printing these cards off on paper to test out against my mage deck that I also made with new cards from this expansion. So expect some changes with new cards are spoiled that support this archetype.
Call to Arms
This could use be used as a kind of trick removal if you run only 2 doomsayers, as 2 or less minions, to have this draw both, as then the opponent has to clear both doomsayers. The third 2 or less minions could be a taunt to help protect.
This could work well in a kind of deck like big Priest, but it would be Big Warlock. Run all the big demons like Mal’ganis, Jaraxxus, Krul, Despicable Dreadlord, and doomgaurd. Also run big things Y-shaarj, Lich King, & Ysera and Barnes. You would obviously run Bloodreaver Gul’dan, and fill the rest of the deck with spells…
Does this work through taunt minions, if so that pretty kinky…