I am now 12-0 since I put this together. Everyone is running some type of accelerated/control Battlecry deck. One Weblord sets them back, and once you drop the second and third Weblord, they are just completely shut down. I have shut out most of my games where they just concede because they can no longer play their kill condition. The Journey Below card will net you all sorts of Deathrattle bombs, and Cold Blood makes the deck very aggressive, so even if the Weblord’s only put a minor setback on their deck, it is enough to quickly burst them down with combo’ed Cold Bloods.
You should really add this deck to the list:
1 – Cold Blood
1 – Journey Below
2 – Nerub’ar Weblord
I am now 12-0 since I put this together. Everyone is running some type of accelerated/control Battlecry deck. One Weblord sets them back, and once you drop the second and third Weblord, they are just completely shut down. I have shut out most of my games where they just concede because they can no longer play their kill condition. The Journey Below card will net you all sorts of Deathrattle bombs, and Cold Blood makes the deck very aggressive, so even if the Weblord’s only put a minor setback on their deck, it is enough to quickly burst them down with combo’ed Cold Bloods.