BranHearthstone's Comments
Dollmaster of Tigers
Ok so many questions for why do you have certain stuff in this deck?
Like cobalt monk x2? Guild recruiter x2? Craine? and Forest guide x2? and starfall x2? why not put in a LK and a
second cube?
Two, where are the 9 mana dragon recruiters to pull out your sleepy dragons? And where is Oakheart?
+ there’s so much negative synergy with Dk mal + Grizzled Guardian with Hadronox and witching hour.
You put in an extra 4 things you don’t wanna rez with ur witching hour..
You have a better shot at countering the meta just playing taunt druid with Hadronox, and subbing in two astral tigers, as a backup win condition (witch is pretty unnecessary)
this deck is pretty much just a wayyy shitter version of witching hour druid, with a bunch of horrible counter productive synergies
Upcoming Boomsday Meta Nerfs: Giggling Inventor, Mana Wyrm, and Aviana
(1) Ok the Mana worm nerf should have happened a long time ago, Tempo mage isn’t even really strong right now. But they do have one of the most insane tempo openers with Mana worm and it’s been like that for the longest time.
(This is why a lot of people kinda hate facing the deck, can be some serious BS if you can’t kill the wyrm early game – like trogg in shaman back in the day)
This is going to seriously kill Tempo mage (a tier 2 deck rn) until next expansion
(2) Giggling Inventor. Ok every deck (besides Even decks) pretty much uses or can use this, hell mossy horror and Blood knight even started to see a lot of play because of GI. By far the best neutral 5 drop, It did have much stronger synergy with some decks like token druid and quest rogue + some tempo decks like odd rogue.
A lot of decks (the ones that don’t have really strong synergies with GI) don’t actually run it 100% of the time, at higher ranks because it plays into tech cards like Mossy horror and blood knight in odd tempo decks (like rogue and paladin)
7 mana is over kill tho, they couldn’t make it 6 because it’d see play in even decks, but I think it’s unplayable at 7 mana. Quest rogue can’t play it 2x anymore with Dk Val, and it’s too expensive to be played in druid now. The two strongest decks it was 100% played in. (+ odd rogue)
Sludge belcher would never see play at 7 mana, so RIP GI (I don’t think this nerf was necessary just yet)
(3) Aniava: OK this I 100% agree with. Fuck druid in wild right now, there’s like 10+ different OTK combos you can choose from with Aniava and KING KUN in wild and it’s SOOO EASY to pull off. Now to make this combo work, you’ll need to land a Emperor or something to discount her first. Def needed, in wild rn you either run an insanely aggressive Temp deck or play druid.
Hopefully this will help change things a bit.
Overall, I think they shoulda maybe have hit Cube? and look into the power level of some of the Even and Odd decks (Even tho they are really hard to balance)
I played a shit ton of Odd warrior to legend for the last couple months.
All my lists I cut giggling inventor… too many counter cards like MOssy horror and blood nights running around in the meta. And you already have enough strong anti agroo tools without it.
I think the meta is gonna get a bit worse for Odd warrior. Deathrattle hunter was already a slightly unfavored matchup, there will prob be more unfavored matchups on ladder after these nerfs.
Like more people playing Togg druid, Rez Priest, deathrattle hunter and maybe even more Shudderwalk shamans.
Also note, quest rogue can beat odd warrior 100% of the time by subbing one tech card, Lab experimenter (Shuffle 3 cards into your deck)
Play DK Val, Play one on a minion (shuffle 3 copies) PLay the shadow (shuffle 3 more Experimenters back into your deck)
Game over, you win the value matchup, you never fatigue and have infinite value.