boot's Comments
Best Hearthstone Decks - Standard Meta Tier List - The Great Dark Beyond (January 2025)
I love the list but I’m surprised that midrange demon hunter doesn’t even make an appearance. DH is pretty much all that I play and midrange definitely feels very solid and that its up there with deathrattle. Did it not make the cut?
Spell Value Tempo Hunter
For a second I was wondering “where’s the 3-drop spell for barak” but reading the caption, that’s so smart. I love the idea of getting the guaranteed 3/10 off it. I might try this out myself, I haven’t seen a solid theory craft in a while so I dig it
Midrange Demon Hunter - #1 Legend (BunnyHoppor) - The Barrens
Never mind, just refreshed and it was fixed o.o
Midrange Demon Hunter - #1 Legend (BunnyHoppor) - The Barrens
i think you might be missing a card or 2 :’)
Hate Bears
I dig the hatebears deck and ive tried out a few builds myself. Ive gotten alot of success from using ogremancer as part of the watch post engine. I havent thought of using the sphere but i LOVE the idea. Ill have to try it out myself!
6 years later, it’s officially a discover card