Bodacious's Comments
Update: Brian Kibler's TGT Dragon Priest
Oh, I just saw that it says swap health with a minion. Your all going duh, but I thought it said a ransom minion. So maybe it isn’t nearly as bad as I thought.
Update: Brian Kibler's TGT Dragon Priest
Yeah I forgot about holy nova. But thanks for the advice and options!
Update: Brian Kibler's TGT Dragon Priest
Any Vol’jin replacements? I have just gotten back into Hearthstone, but have been doing a lot of work to catch up. I would appreciate any advice you have because I have no clue about the current metagame. I could see Vol’jin working with Holy Smite, but that is not in this deck. So I’d like to save my dust and just get a replacement. Thanks in advance.
Any Wild Pyromancer Replacements? I can afford him, I just don’t really like him.