Bling's Comments
How-to Beat The Darkness - Dungeon Run Final Boss Guide
“any big minion you play could get eat a Mind Control” I think there is a typo here. BTW the guides are awesome keep up the good work, I look forward to the rest of them!
Hearthstone Hallow's End Event - The Great Hallow’s End Arena Costume Party, Free Packs, and New Tavern Brawl!
Can we confirm we get a free ticket if the Arena run is retired?
Hearthstone Secret Cheat Sheets (Standard)
No worries, thanks for getting around to it!
Hearthstone Secret Cheat Sheets (Standard)
Will we get an update for Knights of the Frozen Throne Evident?
Oktoberbrawl Card Backs Live - Twitch Prime: Special Card Pack & 2 Card Packs Coming Soon!
The “special card pack” could be a basic pack that guarantees a legendary card. Overwatch did a similar thing with a golden loot box that alway gave you a legendary skin.
Anti Board Miracle
Ive heard Giants are a package you can include if you play dragonfire potion, and it works pretty well around 10. It defo can be a good package to include, I would like to test it more but finals are taking over my life for a bit. I’m sure more cheap spells need to be included if you would like to test, maybe potion of madness and silence. Im thinking it might be a cool package, but it has to find its niche
Hearthstone Top Decks Discord!
I’ve spent a lot of time working on a personal discord server and I would not mind helping you out! I love this site and would like to give back sometime. (PS I keep getting logged out when I click this page, i used the comment login thing above this to make the comment)
Control's (Wild) Un'Goro Pirate Warrior - #1 Legend (April 2017, Season 37)
There is Gadgetzan, Patches
Kolento's Un'Goro Elemental Buff Paladin (April 2017, Season 37)
Rag isnt standard any more though
Dinomancy Zoo Token/Buff Hunter (April 2017, Season 37)
Very interesting deck, thank you for the awesome guide.
Journey to Un'Goro Decks Day Two - Pro and Streamers!
Hey Evident, we should be able to compare our decks to either another pros deck or another community created deck. I realized this when I wanted to compare my elemental shaman to the one listed here. Maybe let use choose our own arctype or something to help with this? It would be really cool.
Carnassa's Brood
Pretty much. Tokens are cards that you cannot directly put in your deck. You cannot have this card in your deck without completing the quest. Just like you cannot have a jade golem without running a card that summons a jade golem. However cards from babbling book or Drakanoid Operative are not really tokens because the cards you receive can normally be put in a deck without drak op. Tokens come from specific cards, and this one comes from the hunter quest token.
Gluttonous Ooze
Well, you destroy their weapon and get back the health you lost when they hit you with it. Against warrior these weapons get very big. So not small at all.
Hearthstone Journey to Un'Goro Live Stream Card Reveals from the Bahamas Liveblog!
Its the token from the quests token. Its not a standalone card. You need to play 7 one mana cards, then you need to play the 5 mana 8/8 to get 15 of those put in your deck.
Kalimos, Primal Lord
Losing elemental destruction is a big blow, will volcano be able fill that gap? Even with this card it seem sketchy to me.
Tavern Brawl - Encounter at the Crossroads
Ah my bad for not having faith! I just saw the change and came to the post without reading it.
Why in the world would you used spellshifter instead of better options, is there something I’m not seeing?