Bladeofsteel's Comments
Baleful Banker
Autoinclude in tiger decks. Honestly reasonable In almost every none aggro deck. You could use it in cubelock to add more doomguards to your deck.
Druid of the Scythe
But ice rager is 2/5. Clearly better than tar creeper who’s only a 1/5, kappa.
Druid of the Scythe
Two separate statements hence the comma and I wasn’t even serious about it hence the kappa.
Druid of the Scythe
They already made swift messenger for that, leeroy will just go to hall of fame for being too similar kappa.
Baku Control Elemental Mage
I saw that video, he didn’t acknowledge that stand in darkness and rallying blade were rotating, which are pretty important for dude paladin and murlocs. Interesting deck I feel like there should more burn somehow, unless the cat is just a decent cycle that sometimes makes flamestrike deal 5. You could try adding cold wraith as just a decent 3 drop that can sometimes draw a card with glacial shard. Also nightmare amalgam could fit in a 3/4 elemental 3 drop.
Tess Greymane
Nice saronite chain gang reference, battlecries won’t work, but deathrattles will. Shadowstepping her is gonna be fun.
Tess Greymane
I’m hoping that I play a burglar card and get archbishop Benedict’s, then use this to replay my opponent’s deck. Sounds like fun.
Paragon of Light
We will see if Brian kibler makes it giant. He loves that deck lol.
Witchwood Piper
One niche could be the ability for priest to guarantee a chameleos or northshire cleric as their draw, and both of those are relevant all game long, so that could be one niche, but which priest deck could fit this card and chameleos in? I have no idea.
Paragon of Light
Well steed seems like too much to put on this, as it already has taunt, blessing of the kings is usually in aggressive lists. Direwolf, and unidetified maul is usually in aggressive lists. Blessing of might sees almost no play. Acherus veteran sees play in aggro paladin, I think this card actually could work there as they have enough buffs. You don’t really see any buffs in control except steed, but maybe this card could change that.
This card actually could be really good with sword of justixe, but it would take a lot for that card to see play.
Paragon of Light
This card is weird, it’s like a control card, but it needs support from aggressive cards.
I could maybe see it as a turn 3 play after wolf, or maybe in aggro paladin with schedule veteran.
Toki, Time-Tinker
I got a crazy idea, since I don’t have much to do tomorrow until the card reveals, why don’t I create an ideal rating for this card, by individually rating each wild legendary out of 5, then dividing by the number of legendaries to determine an ideal rating, based on what this searches.
Toki, Time-Tinker
Thanks for clarifying your position, I actually forgot a couple of legendaries like murk eye and loatheb (because he’s in my dude paladin. My specs were to try to only choose playable cards that either had at least decent stat lines, created reasonable card advantage (no nesigwary), or didn’t screw oneself over. Gazrilla I didn’t initially include as a keep, but he does have a huge target is insane if he doesn’t immediately die. That’s 64 playable or better by your calculations, at percentage of 59.3%. That seems more reasonable, my restrictions were maybe a bit too harsh. I may take the time to recalculate with a list, my ideas of the playable, I just was short on time.
Bewitched Guardian
Also branching paths, ferocious roar. Yup, definitely no draw in druid. Oh and naturalize kappa.
Arcane Keysmith
Waiting for the game in a mirror match, where players keep picking frozen clone from this effect. Good card tgough, decent for minion mage.
Druid of the Scythe
Ice rager is sad, if only he could scare people, but alas, he is a friendly rager who throws sick parties, and no one understands him.
Druid of the Scythe
4/4 Rush with taunt with fendral, and odd costed for the Baku druid, kappa.
Why primordial glyph, if you’re going for a secondary spell shy not lesser ruby spellstone to get a cheap cabalist’s Tome? Doomsayer feels weird for a minion deck, but I could see it as the lack of air, also why only 1. Why only one Leyline manipulator, he’s stronger than water elemental. You’re kinda lacking in 3 drops, I would try to fit in nightmare amalgam or maybe some baleful bankers to keep churning out the value.