Binx's Comments
Rdu's Arcane Giant Miracle Druid (August 2016, Season 29)
Malygos Druid is very similar to the token deck and I prefer it for the burst potential over sticky minions. This deck runs arcane golem and Barnes over baron Gedon and Druid of the claw. Looking forward to trying it out
That’s a lovely list, I agree those are some of the best cards respectively but I don’t know that they all need to be evergreen. If those cards never rotated out there wouldn’t be much point to a “shifting” standard meta. For example the dragon cards listed would end up making the bulk of all dragon decks forever, and while I enjoy playing those cards it would get very stale seeing them over and over again. People are just going to have to embrace Wild if they want to keep playing their favorite cards forever, and Blizzard will have to do a good job replacing them with interesting new cards to keep the game fresh.