Billbocq's Comments
Billbocq's Corpsetaker Kelesth Zoolock LEGEND, (October 2017)
Since we run Corpsetaker it’s ok to have a minion with windfury
Stormwatcher is the best minion with wind fury actually, furthermore it feets good in this deck because of the curve.
Grook fu master could be a replacement but we already have 4 T5, i suggest you to craft it, it’s only 40 dust and it really improve Corpsetaker
Billbocq's Corpsetaker Kelesth Zoolock LEGEND, (October 2017)
Malchezaar’s Imp are a must have in this deck! It’s a key card which afford us to discard without loosing too much value, further more it’s a solid T1.
I suggest you to go with Mortal Coil or Possessed Villager in place of Malchezaar’s Imp
You can also run with Bloodsail Corsair X2 and Patches ( -1 Archerus Veteran) if you prefer
I’m glad you enjoy playing this deck