BethLynn's Comments
Muckborn Servant
Now here’s a card I like! I really enjoyed the Pure Paladin package back when that was in Standard, and even outside of the modern Pure-esque Paladin package they’re making here this card feels like just a nice Paladin card. I’d feel pretty happy including this in any of my non-Mech Paladin decks as is, solid 4/5 imo.
Bog Beast
This feels like a reference to Sludge Belcher but it just doesn’t hold up in modern hearthstone. I don’t think it’s bad per say, it just feels too slow.
The Harvester of Envy
I don’t see this being often enough to be impactful, nor it living long enough to even have the chance to be. If a whole slew of very powerful copy effects are in this set then sure, but even with a reasonable support package I just can’t see copy Priest being viable enough for this to see more than niche play. I reckon it will be a 2/5 card but similar with many of the other cards we’ve seen where the build around was shown first I don’t know what else we’ll see for this set so I’ve given it a 3/5.
Ghastly Gravedigger
I really thought there were but no, you’re right there aren’t any. Once again then, this is a case like with the Stonewright where it feels weird and backwards to me to have these payoff cards shown off before the synergistic cards are. Hopefully we’ll see some of those secrets later today.
Ghastly Gravedigger
Presuming we get some more secret support for Rogue this set, I like the disruption from this card, and it being selective is very nice. I’m not sure the current secret package is enough to make a deck where you would feel comfortable including this, but presuming we get enough support for a viable secret Rogue or secret-heavy Rogue deck 4/5. Barring that, 2/5.
Artificer Xy'mox
This is likely explained in the video but because it’s not here – when Xy’mox casts the 3 Infused Relics, are they all upgraded or all base cost, or how does that work with the upgrading?
It took my a long moment to verify that I was reading this correctly and not just in an unawaken stupor. This is fine? If you’re just desperate for cards in your Dude Paladin deck you probably don’t hate this but it just feels really slow and unimpactful for an include. The buff is nice but you’re looking at turn 3 (turn 2 with the coin) minimum to get your vanilla 4/4 out and that isn’t even particularly hard to remove in modern Hearthstone. I was too tired to properly click on the rating above, but I’d say 2/5.
Sinfueled Golem
This is certainly, a card. I’m struggling to think of a situation in which I’m happy to draw this as opposed to a different card in my deck. If Infuse triggers quickly it won’t be worth much – if Infuse becomes worthwhile it likely takes too long to matter. This feels like the worst of both worlds and I genuinely cannot imagine a situation in which this sees anything but niche play, but since Infuse is a new mechanic I’ll give it the benefit of the doubt. 2/5
The Stonewright
Sure, I think it’ll be something you’re fine with generating, though I’m not sure what would generate this or how Shaman specifically would in Standard right now, I just don’t feel it will ever really warrant inclusion outside of a Totem deck. I’d give it 3/5 as of right now, though that’s being generous in a lean towards there probably being Totem synergies that we just haven’t seen yet, I was mainly just shocked this was the first Totem card we’ve seen for the set which feels backwards in my opinion.
The Stonewright
While flavor-wise makes some sense, this is very out of tune with everything else we’ve seen from Shaman so far this reveal season. Presumably some amount of totem synergy to come?
Murloc Holmes and the Murder at Castle Nathria - Story Behind The New Hearthstone Expansion (All Parts Out)
Perhaps the expansion’s secret mechanic interaction will be what reveals the murderer?
Remornia, Living Blade
I don’t care how good this is (I think it’s probably bad) I’m 100% crafting this if I don’t pull it and making it the focal point of the deck.
Sinstone Graveyard
Feels weird that a Graveyard has nothing to do with Deathrattles just based on precedent, but this feels very good nonetheless. This is something I don’t think you mind putting down early and having sit there for a while until a pop off turn.
Sire Denathrius
I feel like people are underrating the Lifesteal. In a world where Renathal has made clear the value of more health even at the cost of less card value, the potential value swing of even a bare Denathrius can be really helpful for some decks. Yes, if you draw this Turn 10 and drop it it’ll feel bad (though I still don’t think absurdly so because of its potential to clear a minion and leave a reasonable body), but if you get it a couple turns early and feed it two to three Infuse triggers I think this will be a really nice swing play. Do I think this is going to slot into a lot of decks? No, not at all. But I will be surprised if this doesn’t see consistent play in at least some Tier 2 and maybe even a Tier 1 deck or two for the next year.
Sire Denathrius
The Nathrezim are only demons because of their involvement in the Burning Legion. If they had stayed in the Shadowlands full-time, as Denathrius did, they would not be demons.
Castle Kennels
Don’t most Beasts in Beast Hunter builds have Rush already, and if not their explicit job is to be a roadblock? I’ll admit I don’t play Hunter a lot so this is just based off what I’ve seen opponents play, but this feels like it’s trying to fix a problem that doesn’t exist, and so it’s kind of just give a friendly minion +2 attack, which is nice I suppose but does not feel worth the investment of a deck slot and two mana and only once every two cards. I don’t think it’s unplayable, but as with the Warrior and Druid locations it just doesn’t seem that worthwhile unless there’s a lot of support for it in this set, which is certainly possible.
Great Hall
So, it’s the Paladin questline reward on a limited-use stick? Eh, I like this less than I liked Keeper of Uldaman way back, both because of how much the meta has changed and because this just feels rather underwhelming in a lot of matchups. I like that it’s any minion – if it was just friendly minion I think this would be just dead – but I feel like a lot of games this will be played and just be taking up a board slot doing nothing for most if not all of the game.
Also, as a sidenote, I really struggle to tell what class these are for, the wooden image frame is far too large in my opinion and there needs to be more color because it is very hard to distinguish at a glance, at least to me.
Sire Denathrius
Typically demon requires excessive Fel exposure, and with the exception of non-demonic Demons like Voidwalkers just about every demon is tied, either directly or indirectly, to the Burning Legion. As such, while the Nathrezim generally fit as Demons due to their time in the Burning Legion and drinking up all that Fel the robo-god daddy of them doesn’t really fit since he never had that Fel exposure.
This is a Rogue card. Why is it not Rogue? Did they have one too many Rogue cards so they made this one Neutral? I’m 99% confident this will play well in a Tier 1 Rogue deck, and for that alone I’ll give it a 4/5 but I’m not sure how much play it will get in other classes.