Bearking1085's Comments
Trick Totem
Even shaman will now have another random element besides the hero power. Seems like it will be pretty fun.
Tour Guide
Odd paladin can now get 3 guys on turn one going first, or even going second one could play this and coin south sea deckhand and have 5 minions on their turn one. It is probably good for paladin or warlock in arena but for the rest of the classes it is pretty much just trash.
Wretched Tutor
Kinda feels like Wild Pyromancer but worse when considered how Pyromancer is used in priest with buffs/ northshire/ circle of healing, or in paladin with equality. For most classes/ control decks it is a lot more efficient and cheap to cast Holy Nova, Consecration, Blizzard and all the other aoe spells and than body that remains are unimportant for those decks anyways.
Goody Two-Shields
I very much agree with you, I have been playing tons of pure paladin lately and what I have noticed is that against other powerful control decks (mage and preist usually) is very hard to get a win condition and the game just drags on until I die to fatigue. I miss having Holy Wrath paladin because it had a consistent win condition.
Libram of Justice
You said ‘Paladin heals a lot now’. You are correct with now but it looks bleak for control paladin next year with all the cards it loses. Currently, control paladin, known as holy wrath paladin, relies on Shrivallah, Time Out, Flash of Light, and Crystalsmith Kangor to heal. It is losing all of those, plus many more. This card is thus not only worse than equality but the deck it is meant for has no support at all. There is literally not enough paladin cards in the game worth putting in a deck to make a Libram deck. You can’t even use them in singleton because it is best to use all the Librams and you needs all the reductions. Additionaly, there are only 4 reduction cards. What if you don’t draw them. The player is just screwed in that case because all the Librams have terrible value at their starting cost. Just like last expansion with Pure Paladin, I wish blizzard would stop making paladin and all classes in general archetypes that only get 3 cards from a single expansion and expecting them to have enough support to be playable. This is also what I expect to happen to secret rogue, it has nowhere near enough secrets, the opponent should always be able to expect them.
Lady Liadrin
Your do have to survive long enough without Shrivallah, Flash of Light, Crystalsmith Kangor, Shrink Ray, and Time Out. Paladin loses ALL and I cannot stress ALL of its control cards. I feel paladin is not going to have any chance for control paladin anymore until at least the second expansion of the year.
Skeletal Dragon
I think this might be good in quest ressurection priest. The deck can always use some larger minions and this might be god value generation for the deck even though big priest doesn’t really favor random minions. It might be okay in Galokrond or dragon priest but both of the decks are trash, so I am not sure how that might actually play out.
Libram of Wisdom
I made a deck for the combo. I have no idea how good it is. Its a hard deck to make because the combo takes up almost your entire hand and most of the deck.
Libram of Wisdom
Pretty much garbage but you can do an infinite wild combo with it. You start by reducing Libram twice and then have this hand and do three Thaurissian effects on it. :
Spirit singer Umbra
Wild Pyromancer
The Voraxx
Libram of Wisdom
Stonetusk Boar
Youthful Brewmaster
Now you start by playing Spiritsinger and Pyromancer and using the Deathspeaker to make them both immune. Use Brewmaster to return a Deathspeaker to hand. Play Stonetusk, use Deathspeaker to make it immune. Cast Equality to clear the rubbish minions. Now you play The Voraxx. Cast a libram of wisdom on The Voraxx. Do this again. Now you can infinitely alternate between casting Libram of Wisdom on the Voraxx and buffing the Stonetusk Boar. Is probably very hard to pull off as you need three Thaurussian effects, but it at least gives you one time you might ever play the card.
P.S. Three Thaurussian effects can be done by playing Thaurussian once and using Zola the Gorgen on him. Then you play that golden copy with Drakkari Enchanter.
Libram of Hope
Too slow. Would have to be reduced to practically 3 or less mana. The 8/8 needs rush. Restoring 8 health is useless most of the time. Garbage.
Aldor Truthseeker
The Libram mechanic is stupid. It flat out sucks. As usual Blizzard is shitting on paladin and giving it unplayable cards. This card would be good if the Librams are good but all the Librams so far are absolute trash.
Libram of Justice
I disagree with the rest of the comments here. This card is garbage. At six mana with no reduction it is terrible, especially when you can compare it with card such as Veranus which has the same cost and comes with a 7/6 body. Next , the weapon makes the card worse. For instance if you already have a weapon equipped you can not play this because it will replace that weapon with crap. Plus such a high durability weapon gives your opponent an excellent Harrison Jones. Lastly, even with the mana reduction this is still garbage. It would essentially have to be less then two mana to be a useful board clear because it still needs to pair with another card such as pyromancer or consecration. I think the Libram mechanic might still be really powerful with a powerful legendary that uses the mechanic and many other powerful Libram cards, as well as some new card draw for paladin without Prismatic Lens. But even if the Libram mechanic turns out to be good, I think this card is so terrible I would not put it in any deck ever.
Priest Has Been Taken Care of – Is Paladin Next?
As someone who almost only plays paladin and priest I fully agree with you. In the next rotation paladin will be close to the worst class in the game, while in wild it will still be practically the best class. Paladin’s evergreen cards are pretty much garbage and the only evergreen cards that ever see play are really truesilver, consecration, and tirion. I think paladin even needed more of a rework than priest.
Underlight Angling Rod
Absolutly insane… if murloc paladin didnt literally always lose to every mage, priest, warlock, rogue, shaman, control paladin, and lirerally every other deck with aoe and some sort of heal. I really like this card but I think murloc paladin to be viable against some of the powerful decks that will be in standard will need another win condition. I think it will be very good in wild though. So for a standard player I would have to give it a 3, but for a wild player I would say 4.5 or even 5.
Dragonmaw Overseer
Absolute garbage. I thought they wanted to make priest better! As a 2/2 it is way to small of a statline, super easy for opponent to deal with. Plus one has to already have a minion on board and its effect is random. Shattered Sun Cleric from the basic set might even be better because it has 1 more attack and can be targeted. Also, Shadow Ascendant is literally same as this but 1 mana less and -1/-1 less buff. I feel for this card to even be worth playing in arena it would need +1/+1
Lady Liadrin
I feel like they are probably going to screw paladin over with bad cards like this. Lynessa is better because it is at least an instant effect and would usually draw cards anyway and she never sees any play. With its weak statline this card at least needs taunt to protect face because wasting a seven mana turn on this very low tempo card is bad. Additionally, all the best paladin buffs, such as spikeridged steed are in wild, there arnt even many buffs in standard and the few buffs that do exist suck. To me it looks like blizzard still cannot design a good paladin legendary.
murloc otk paladin
I like this deck idea, as I know how people play naomi in this deck. I do think though it is probably better to play blessing of kings, thats what I did, instead of true silver, because it makes it a little bit easier to make Shrivallah playable.
(Wild) Even Paladin
I cannot stress how important Cairne is to this deck. He wins so many games because high damage AOE cannot remove all minions if Cairne is on the board. You still remain with a Blaine to buff up or finish with.
Quest Priest
(Just so y’all know) I have done Brawlsium twice so far. I got 11 wins with Murloc Shaman. This one surprised me when it got 9.
Might be good in even shaman or help make even hunter a little better because of the beast tag. Otherwise seems pretty useless. I don’t think duh will really care as it has much better card draw and minions anyways.