Bash's Comments
J4CKIECHAN's N'Zoth Quest Priest (May 2017, Season 38)
not really, too slow for aggro, not controlly enough for Quest Rogue, Control Pala, Jade Druid etc…
StrifeCro's Un'Goro Waygate Control Mage (April 2017, Season 37)
Am I the only one that is very successful with this deck but has not completed the quest once ?
Chakki's Un'Goro Living Mana Token Druid (April 2017, Season 37)
play another deck I would say…. Finja is essentiall in the murloc package decks…
Hearthstone Beginner's Guide: How-To Build Your Own Deck
Great article, but I dont think it should be adressing beginners. I play HS frequently and do netdecking 95% of the time, asking myself if it would be more satisfying to build my own decks… Or even tech existing netdecks according to the current meta.
I think HS is easy to learn, hard to master and mastering is creating your own decks, that are competitive. Players that are in this game for a certain time can pilot most of the meta decks easily, but creating own decks that shape the meta for me is the most skillful thing there is in this game and should be considered “endcontent”….
E. Malone's Expedition Journal - Choose Your Path Week Two - Journey to Un'Goro
tbh Blizzard I want to see more cards, not this lore shenanigans….
Fibonacci's Legend Control Warrior (March 2017, Season 36)
How to win against Jade Sham and Druid? I mean this deck cant outpace anything….
Evangelion's Legend C'Thun Renolock (February 2017, Season 35)
Dont ask me why, but this is the by far best working Renolock deck for me
Kolento's Midrange Buff Paladin (January 2017, Season 34)
Would love to see Buff Play work for me, but this misses card draw so much. Ur buffing and buffing but most of the time cant get any value out of the buffs.
After 15 matches I also do not see the reason for Worgens in these decks…
StrifeCro's Reno Kazakus Mage (December 2016, Season 33) - Mean Streets of Gadgetzan
It happens against control Decks
StrifeCro's Reno Kazakus Mage (December 2016, Season 33) - Mean Streets of Gadgetzan
Awesome late game combo if your opponent has at least 3 minions is:
Brann -> Dirty Rat -> summons 2 enemies -> MCT -> steals 2 enemies
This can easily wreck your opponents matchplan
I assume you get unbuffed mobs but the complete board= up to 7 minions on any tavern level. So not only as many as your tavern level would let you get before…which I think is very strong.