-Bandit-'s Comments
Token Druid Deck List Guide - Boomsday - August 2018
@Mill Armstrong – Yes that kind of deck is called midrange.
And btw I have over 65% winrate with it, i think it has place in current meta.
I made 1 adjustment thow:
-2 Living Mana
+2 Arcane Tyrant
I think living mana is too aggro for this deck(it was very good in aggro druid – year of mammot kac meta, but the diffrence is you have turn 5 with full hand now and making it unplayable for couple of turns – you have no mana – and its to hard for you to make your savage roar combo)
With Arcane Tyrant you can make your big no board impact turn better and gain some tempo.
Odd Paladin Deck List Guide - Boomsday - August 2018
All warlocks archetypes, control priest, big spell mage and warrior(not the aggro variant – or odd quest, because it is lacking whirlwind removals).
And you could name a few others.
Odd Paladin Deck List Guide - Boomsday - August 2018
I removed war leader, but i use slightly diffrent deck.
The Witchwood Release Date (April 12th) & Final Card Reveal Livestream (April 9th)
Was the hour of release announced as well?
Intresting card but can be only good in one hunter deck that never in history of our game preformed well – Control Hunter. This can not be played in today’s meta, but with reali good rush removal to control the board, develop beast synergy, rexxar(or alleria) could survive to turn 10 when they would be able to drop this card. But question is how many minions will be in hand when Emeriss is played? We will se how good this is but if they don’t give it support it won’t be nothing more than meme card.
Black Cat
I think it wont see much play because most of mages board removal and burn cards are even cost.
The Witchwood Tidbits - Clarifications & Insights from the Developers
Oh, didn’t even think about that. Thank you.
The Witchwood Tidbits - Clarifications & Insights from the Developers
And i still don’t get it why they won’t change key words for unstable and devilsaur. It was the same with Y’shaarj before.
Best Hearthstone Decks - Standard Meta Tier List - The Great Dark Beyond + Heroes of StarCraft (February 2025)
Guide list is made about Kingsbane Mill Rogue, but it’s win percentage clearly tell that it’s a fringe deck.
Exodia (OTK) Paladin Deck List Guide (Post Nerf) - Kobolds - March 2018
Thank you for this post been searching out for guide for quite some time.
Nice work, I hope I will be able to take this deck higher than before.
P.S; Could you add Exodi Paladin to Deck Archetypes/Best Meta Decks(bellow, with other mentions)
Quest Hunter (Kobolds and Catacombs, February 2018)
Well deck list is nicely put together, but you just can’t pull consistent victories with this deck archetype. You get free minions with “cool ability” to draw a card and with that draw you get a 1drop(that you need for quest), which are no match for enemy late game minions.
I think Wrath is very good early game board control card and it would be staple of this deck(and Druid in general) in more aggresive meta (previous meta for example). However now when meta is a little bit slower, i think wrath is a mediocre card(less low health minions) and it cannot give you same value as before(clear a dude, draw a card or clear a minion in early game).
On the other side Power of the Wild can offer great value with Violet Teacher and it can force that early pressure that can sometimes even bring you victory(you are more often aggresive deck in this meta that in previous). It also forces your opponent to use AOEs spells, so you can pull off your Wisp/Soul of Forest combo easier.
Power of the Wild can also give you more damage when playing your main combo.
Regarding Sea Giant I dont see how you can fit it in this deck. You can not play it when you wisp combo(you usually play 7 wisps – no place on board; you want to back it up with soul of forest – it costs 8 mana – no mana for sea giant even if you have 6 minions on board and next turn you want that leathal with attack gain so no place for Giant again)
It can be only played vs aggro(matchups that you can easily win with armor gain and you need all your mana for ramp), or with violet teacher in which case it would be better to use mana for spells and ramp again. So I dont find a place for Giant in this deck.
Regarding Taunts you just need to be very aggresive and ramp up very quickly before they can start droping big taunts. I have positive winrate vs both Taunt Druid and Odd Quest Warrior(but its very even matchup – a little above 50% winrate). You just need to push as quickly as possible and combine that with ramp and their decks can turn out to be too slow.
The biggest problem comes with board clears and taunts so Quest Warrior(not odd one), Control Warlocks etc. are nightmares to deal with(around 25%-30% winrate).
But anyway no deck is good vs everything and it has some counters so you just need to pray for good matchups.