Bajula's Comments
Reno the Relicologist
I wouldn’t write off these highlander cards just yet. I’m sure they will get some serious neutral support…
Plot Twist
The effect is unique, although, I can’t see it having its own place in any kind of viable warlock deck.
Might be a bit overrated.
Crystalsong Portal
Yes, if we take it that way, there is a minor chance to discover the exact cards you need, but as you just said, it’s way too inconsistent to take it seriously. I doubt it will make the cut in any kind of combo deck, but having said that, I am sure some kind of value-based midrange deck will include or at least experiment with it.
Crystalsong Portal
I think you are mistaken here. This card only says “discover a minion” not “discover a minion from your deck”, so you can’t really tutor for combo pieces…
Catrina Muerte
Seems like every second evil legendary is gonna have a foreign word in its name.
Did anyone notice this beside me?
Keeper Stalladris
Control, aggro, tempo, combo… just pick one.
This card is gonna be in all of them.
Leaked Image - Rafaam Holding Dalaran Card
I am almost hundred percent sure that Rafaam is after some kind of rare artifact that’s securely closed off in Dalaran and is constantly under strict surveillance.
He basically recruited a heist team to steal it(?)
Upcoming Expansion Teaser - "The Scientist"
“The Dark Order” or “The Cult of Rafaam”… or the “The Dark Supreme Alliance”?
Iksar Asks On Twitter - "What Would Get You Back To Hearthstone?"
1. Denerf cards like Fiery War Axe, Mana Wyrm, Warsong Commander, Ancient of Lore…etc. and HoF them.
2. Nerf unfair control tools like Dustbreaker, Defile, Spreadin Plague, Branching Paths, Mass Hysteria and Psychich Scream.
3. Start making some decent (non-legendary and epic) tempo cards, so the meta won’t get as ultra stale in the future as it is right now.
If one of my above mentioned points got fulfilled, I would definitely consider coming back to the game.
The February Surprise: A Forward-Looking and Controversial Balance Update
I believe so, although, there might be some other “sleeper” archetypes as well like Aggro Druid, Zoolock that were previously suppressed, and now will try to fill in that empty place left for aggro. We will see who it turns out…
The February Surprise: A Forward-Looking and Controversial Balance Update
Even Shaman in Wild will probably not survive the nerfs. People don’t quite seem to realize how much of a centerpiece Flametounge is, and that without it not only will the hero power be really hard to utilize for gaining board control but also every other token generating card (Mealstorm, Jade) will be significantly worse, not to mention it’s one of the few burn resources the deck has and is a totem, so Thing From Below will also struggle to get out on board early on.
Odd Rouge is nearly the same case. Losing Cold Blood will decrease the deck’s capability to put on early threats and finish games off, and these are decisive factors in an aggro deck.
To answer your question: there are no real replacements for these cards.
Although, I am not entirely sure if the same is true for the standard versions. In Even Shaman I would probably run Dark Iron Dwarf or Argus (in case you already run Dire Wolf Alpha). In Odd Rouge maybe Acherus Veteran… I don’t see any other decent replacement options.
Upcoming Balance Update - Nerfs to Cold Blood, Flametongue Totem, Equality, Hunter's Mark and Lesser Emerald Spellstone
For everybody who is wondering why Equality gut bumped up to 4 mana, it’s because of Odd Paladin of course…
Rastakhan's Rumble Dragon Warrior: The Past and Future of the Archetype
Considering that Dragon Priest, which has significantly better dragon related class cards, hasn’t seen much play, I don’t think so.
Smolderthorn Lancer seems to be the only decent new card that might fit in a sort of Tempo-Dragon Warrior archetype, but this alone won’t make much of a difference.
War Master Voone has potential, but it’s not mind-breakingly good with the available neutral dragons in Wild and I think that’s generally part of the archetype’s problem, that it lacks impactful dragons. Even though Alexstrasza’s Champion and Smolderthorn Lancer have really strong effects, if you have to run semi-competitive dragons to trigger them, they won’t be able to shine truly.
This card doesn’t EVEN seem that bad…