BadBoomBoom's Comments
Omega Agent
Ok, what if you played Nether last turn… or Guldan… or Godfrey… or Nzoth in wild… or comboed zealot + defile, thalnos + defile… the list goes on. Warlock already has ways to not be much behind on the board, and 3 4/5’s are enough to eat a full board clear, thats also expensive and is already needed to handle all the other Warlock threats. I think it gives Guldan too powerfull of a late game, since they have their exclusive Nzoth + best hero power, good healings and best boardclears.
For sure it is a nightmare, at least in the wild meta…
Star Aligner
The chance of this trigger going on is probably equal as the chance I get with my Bae right now…
Dr. Boom, Mad Genius
Ya’ll dont really want it nooow[…]
Azalina Soulthief
Think Hemet makes the deck worst… Im my mind, it should be a really armor centered deck, but that could dump cards somewhat easily, so it can take advantage of x2 U.I . And druid got support for health gain this expansion, so… Ill repeat, AZALINA 5/5 hihi
Quartz Elemental
I want to say that just so i can be proud of myself later: ONE OF THE BEST CARDS OF THE EXPANSION…
Gloom Stag
Dont think is BARELY better than Druid of the Claw… its waaay better in what it proposes to do. 5 mana 4/6 taunt is reasonable, 4/8 is colossal… The comparison with Dark Arakkoa is just dumb. Arakkoa is +1 mana -1 health, and we know what matter to a taunt is mana/health, then some “evasion” (Shield and Cant be targeted) and having a reasonable attack, so it can kill stuff… 4/8 taunt hardly get removed 1to1, even harder spending 5 or less mana, so its almost always a positive tempo play + it kills any 1,2,3 (Not creeper), most 4 and some 5… it already makes a powerfull tool for OddDruid.
Now the issue of dropping all those precious cards that are so powerfull no one could ever touch then, becaus… stop the bullsh1t! It kinda gets to me when people start to see only what is getting played right now as viable, and nothing else as an alternative. Not saying OddDruid would be better then Druid right now in what it AIMS to do right now, playing ramp early game, outvaluing opponents answers late game… but there IS MORE to the game, other play styles and archetypes, those that the actual druid lists are BAD at, like hybrid midrange, lower mana curves
I see OddDruid, the list u can biuld right now having a low mana curve, some late game, and beeing a great anti aggro, even more consistant than Actual druid , just because the amount of powerfull taunts early on (Yes, without the precious Spreading Plague) + 2/2 hero power (Cmon, it puts constant pressure agains early opponent minions). As i said, it lacks a win condition, and i meant it againts more slower decks, like CubeLock… thats why RIGHT NOW i see it as tier 3. If savage roar starts working, and you can consistantly be ahead at the board, then it may be a tier 2… and if it gets support, has potential to be tier 1.
Anyway, Dropping the Deck prediction and focusing only at Gloom Stag: 5 4/8… colossal stats, great (At least good) against any minion that comes earlier, quite a boost for odd druids.
4/5 on an OddDruid List
Gloom Stag
Nop dude, that is not why the deck might not work.
U’ll be playing a different deck, in a different meta, so there is no point on blaming cards you cannot play for being responsible for it being bad ocasionally.
I think the biggest loss for that type of druid is U.I, cause is such a good Late Game refill… other than that, you can play around: Greedy Sprites, Nourish, Tar Creeper, Stag, etc. Plus your hero power contest most 1 drops, a lot of 2 drops and even some 3 and 4 drops.
In my opinion, the deck lacks a win condition so far into the expansion. Im thinking solutions right now, maybe filling a list with High Cost power cards like ysera, and playing then by hand, but it seems to 2015 to me right now… another 2015 idea, but till now is my best bet, is that u should play the deck as an old-school midrange druid, finishing with a savage roar. Since ur hero power provides such stability, and u can run up to 10 overstated taunts (Creepers, Stag, Ancient of war, Druid of the claw – Not overstated, but it charges sometimes, so- and it goes on) u probably going to be ahead on the board agains more slower decks, meaning better Savage Roar value. Vs aggro, 2/2 malfurion is already quite an obstacle, + again the wall of taunt available.
Think it has potential to be a tier 1-2, but sure it makes at least a solid tier 3 (Not baaaad).
Azalina Soulthief
See me N00bs
Wild mode > Druid > Combo deck 😉 (Use kripps Kun-Malygos as a good reference of a powerfull deck) > Combo: Mill urself(Yep, draw a sh1t ton of cards, accumulate armor)… 0 cards??? Aviana+Kun (classic), KING TOGWAGGLE MY FRIENDS, empty ur hand, Azalina, If ur a cunt play Loatheb before her… well, if they swap it, u swap it back thats what i say… might be less consistent then MalyKun, BUT it is waaaay more meme and rage-inducing.
Ps: MalyKun (ideal list) runs Aviana, Kun, Ixlid, Malygos, Faceless and 1,2 damage spells (6-7 cards, a sh1t ton of damage, can be countered by Ice Block, minor downside)
TrollFurion would play Aviana+Kun, King T. and Azalina, only 4 cards… heck, u not even need a win condition, because ur opponent gonna be dependant only at his hand to win. Adding the fact that Druid is now the best Tank class… IT WORKS!!!
Might be Crap, Might be Great… surelly will be LOTS OF FUN
Corridor Creeper
Is fun to see how people were trashing on u by saying that Creeper was broken… i thoght it was top 10 cards of the expansion, but not the beast (pun intended) that it revealed to be.
To My Side!
Face Hunter is not a deck in some regards, face hunter is the product of a concept thats inherent to Card Games, and it is: Which cards u can use to rush your opponent fast enought that they cant react… from that idea decks like Burn or Stomp from MTG are created. In Hearthstone, the fastest way to win a game used to be Face Hunter, in a “recent past” it was Pirate Warrior, and today it is Keleseth Rogue. At least the last two got a theme going on, that beeing play pirates or not having 2 drops… Face hunter just plays whatever is faster and try to kill u.
The “Face” is not an archetype , it is more like a strategy that tries to win a game with the least plays possible. It falls in the Aggro Archetype, cause to win a game on turn 4-6, u need all the most powerfull resouces u can have as early as possible on a match, but the Face itself does not stand for a whole archetype.
And all we had for hunters since… i think Naxxramas, where aggro decks. Thats too much time without any new implements for a class, while all of the others gained AT LEAST support for 2 non-classic strategies (Dragons, Pirates, Totems, Mill, Ramp, Deathaddle, Elemental, etc…) and are able to play at least 2 different archetypes (Aggro, MidRange, Control, Fatigue, Value, OTK)… Hunter only play Beasts and try to be agressive since the release of the game.
Something needs to be change.
To My Side!
Not only i agree, there some things ur missing.
Even if Hunter gets something this expansion, looking to all exciting new desings that every other class is getting since Ungoro… i would give at least 3 expansions to make Hunter seems like a hearthstone class.
Cmon, why they dont make a tier 1 beast deck… or maybe give hunter some actual good removal… That sh1t is an EPIC, and even if it costs 4 mana, it still WAAAAAY worst than Animal Companion, cause u playing a deck with NO MINIONS, u cannot capilatize on having even 2 mishas turn 4… at 6 mana, it surelly is top 5 worst cards in the whole game.
We thoght Purify was a dick slap to the face… little we knew, my friends.
Bladed Gauntlet
Surelly it is not as good as war axe was as an early game tool, but still i think ur not seeing the possibillities: It CAN be played turn 2 as a 0-2 weapon if ur pretending to shield block on 3 (Against most decks at least, do it vs token druid and u’ll have a short life), and if ur opponent goes to a swarmming strategy, still u can punish with things like Unstable Ghoul.
It shines mid-late game, played alongside sinergyes (shieldblock, New 2/2 kobold, etc). Even if ur marginally ahead, and lets say u hit something for 5 after hero powering, it still a relative good tempo play… i think u aim to setup a scenario where u can gain 6-10 armor upfirst, so u play this and kill a mid-sized minion (To try to conservate some armor), and then u swing the last hit to take some big dude. And if u manage to gain a ton of armor, it can basically kills 2 minions at choice, with really little restrictions, for only 2 mana (While gorehowl can offer more value, but only kills 7- health minions, and at 7 mana). U can try to prevent ur opponent to play a big minion just by playing it a turn after, if u think they gonna do it, restricting their options.
Only drawbacks i see is if u cannot support a constant armor gain (Problem easily solved in wild), OR if ur deck cannot control the early game with other cards, cause surelly it is not an optimal early game card, as i said. Just to give a complete review, i would say its a 4/5 card.
Bladed Gauntlet
Shield Slam sees no play cause control warrior lack good win conditions, making it a bad these days, cause it can’t compete with priest and druid lategame… the moment control warrior becomes meta, u’ll always see at least 1 shield slam, probably 2 executes… and this card. It hits 2 times, offering a LOT of tempo and value for the warrior player. I would call it shieldmaiden 2.0, cause it seems just Ok, but only people who understand the deck can imagine how powerfull it really is
Unstable Evolution
Thats the most broken card i’ve seen in a while kkkkkkkk.
Lets take arena as an example. Turn 5, u went first. U killed a minion with your 4 drop. Now, u play that, and again, and again, and u can have up to a 9 DROP?!?!? ON TURN 5?!?!?… I can already hear kripparian screaming at his computer.
Grand Archivist
I think there is enough support for us to see at least a tier 2 coming from these type of cards. Spritefull Summoner, now this card… u can run like 5-6 big spells, more in some classes, and compensate a “sub-optimal” early game with some really disgunting sh!t mid to late game. Hunters can run 2 CoftW, even a copy of crushing wall, and still u can biuld a solid early game with the beast package. Paladin already have some REEEEALLY good high cost spells: SpikeSteed, Dinosize. Maybe Lay on hands, or Stand Agains Darkness?!?!… even consacration could give reasonable value. In wild, Anityn CAN happen too.
“We’re nerfing Fiery War Axe cause we think it is too powerfull, and it offers too much for only 2 mana”
-Said Blizzard
Like, wtf… it is easily a good 4 mana card. It offers tooooo much it it hits only ONE beast. 2 mana re-unleash the hounds, 2 mana Fuck Randomness Y’ll Shoot The Boomzooka Right At Your Face, 2 mana replay any beast that you probably ALREADY chose to be in your deck… holy fuck, thats meta breaking