axeliloadi's Comments
Best Hearthstone Decks - Standard Meta Tier List - The Great Dark Beyond + Heroes of StarCraft (February 2025)
Updated January 2020*
Dark Skies
I mean it is worded like defile so I am not so sure in this case. The wording suggests that if you play it with 8 cards it deals one damage then repeats for each card in hand which would now be 7. So at least it would be 8 hits. But again it is very unclear exactly how it works.
Dark Skies
How does this interact with carddraw like acolyte of pain? It should increase the amount of total hits whenever the acolyte is hit, right? The wording is very strange…
Tavern Brawl - Six-Shooter
All you need is:
Dinotamer Brann
Just tracking every turn into zephrys and get the perfect card. When you get to 7 mana you start sending King Krushes to face.
The rest is unclear what is optimal but I had:
Kill Command
Animal Companion
Hearthstone Legendaries You Can "Safely" Disenchant - Ashes of Outland - May 2020
It could be a good idea to mention in the introduction that blizzard buffed some old cards last expansion and this could very well be happening again, right? Just as an addition to your already strong disclaimer text
What Are the Implications of the Recent Discover Mechanic Changes?
Great article! I didn’t actually consider this would buff some cards.
Also couldn’t help but notice a minor error:
Security rover is actually not a taunt minion by itself
Holy Wrath Paladin - #2 Legend (CxCx) - Uldum Post-Nerf
Actually, the version I consider the regular one, also plays only 1 eq and 1 shrink ray. But you might still have a point with the dupes since it runs only 1 lens and 1 cons
Holy Wrath Paladin - #2 Legend (CxCx) - Uldum Post-Nerf
Actually, the version I consider the regular one, also plays only 1 eq and 1 shrink ray. But you might still have a point with the dupes since it runs only 1 lens and 1 cons
Holy Wrath Paladin - #2 Legend (CxCx) - Uldum Post-Nerf
What are the pros and cons of this deck versus the more regular version?
Legend Face Hunter (SoU August)
A real hunter deck plays wolfrider. Great stuff! SMOrc
Embalming Ritual
Does reborn effect stack? I mean, if you give it to a minion with reborn already, does two come back at 1 hp?
Splitting Axe
It feels like this card hints about a new strong totem card coming this expansion
Necromechanic Oblivitron Hunter (Post Buff)
Love this deck! Have been trying to build a similar one and rn I am testing with a secret package early game. I am definitely trying this build out but I feel like unleash the hounds is busted in this meta. I think I would probably cut one unleash the beast and one deadly shot for 2x UTH.
Hunterace is the new Hearthstone World Champion! Winning Deck Lists Inside!
Equal to the amount of wins they got, I think
Madame Lazul
The card says “a card that started in your opponents deck”. Since the quest always starts in hand it could not be the quest.
HSTD Lunar New Year Giveaway - 5 Lunar New Year Bundles
I added a profile picture and it was accepted.
Risky skipper is acrually a pirate