Atioras's Comments
Crystal Lion
Wild format
Silver hand regent (3 mana 3/3 inspire- summon a silver hand recruit)
Stand against darkness (5 mana to summon 5)
Lost in the jungle (summon 2 for 1 mana)
Muster to battle (3 mana, summon 3 silverhands, and equip a 1/4)
Justicar Truehart (6 mana 6/3 upgrades hero power to summon 2 silverhands)
Drygulch Jail or (new 2 mana 1/1 add 3 TO YOUR HAND)
SYNERGIES (Not saying these are good, but it’s there)
Steward of darkshire to give 1 health minions divine shield
Hobgoblin to give Drygulch and the silverhands you hold +2+2 on play (not summon, spells won’t work with hobgoblin)
Light fused stegodon for adapting on board silverhands
Secondary synergy (Not direct synergy)
Because of Dry gulch adding 3, 1 mana 1/1
-Questing adventurer (unlikely)
-Hand buff? (Ive had fun (didn’t really climb but had fun) in a hand buff paladin, but I tended tended run out of fuel, having cheap minions added for my Enforcer+Drakkari enchanter turns might make it a low tier, but climb able fun deck)
Divine Shield-adin.
Summon Bolvar
Next turn steward+stand. (Or other way around, this then bolvar, depends on board state around how much you tendedoururnhenhink bolvar can survive)
Alternatively just go hail Mary it from 10 mana
Steward, stand, stegodon, bolvar, competitive spirit cause why not? +this card for big guy
I think you could make a pretty meme-y deck with Silverhand? Recruit? Is this still token?
Either way, I’ve messed with totem shaman after Karazhan came out (hit rank 10), sure this card is no Thing from Below, but for 9 mana, steward+stand+1 mana 5/5?
13/13 stats with 5/5 split across 5 having divine shield?
(Yes that was very situational and probably not that likely to happen… but I got tired of ranking and pretty much started making meme decks for start of seasons)
I’d give it a whirl.
Dragoncaller Alanna
I only mentioned the ones I remembered, and since these cards are new, and I’m not focused on hearthstone, they slipped my mind.
Dragoncaller Alanna
2 Cabalist tomes (run in most decks)
0-2 Flamestrikes (Usually elemental from what I’ve seen)
0-2 Blizzards (read above)
2 Firelands portal (most decks)
0-1 Meteor (elemental/control/kazakus)
Cards gained from outside sources
(Given 3 from cabal, and 1 from primordial, about 8 cards, probably 3 are 5+ cost average?)
Looking for probably at least 2 played for 9 mana 13/13 split across 3 bodies?
– Untargetable by dragonfire potion for those extra stats.
My thoughts- Dragon priest looks like it’s coming back with the new additions, this card denies board clear to the ever so loved (by priests) Dragonfire potion.
If I actually had a decent mage deck (cause I don’t have these epics OTL,) I’d say instant include for any deck running at least 4, 5+ mana spells, and considerin how good Firelands and either board clear is for any control deck, it’s practically a must have.
Stats are huge, you’ve probably played 1 or 2 by the time you hit 9 mana,
Yes 9 mana is that awkward spot (either curve play, awkward extra mana, have a relevant 1 drop, or saved coin for this moment)
But if you get 2+ dragons? There really isn’t that many existing board clears that allow people to take back the board in the same turn.
Pyro+equality (4) Equality+consecrate (6)
DOOM (10)
Twisting nether (8)
Dragonfire (6, but does nothing to the dragons)
Volcano (5+overload (thing from bellow/Snowfury giant could be played)
Vanish (6)
Brawl (5)
Swipe? (4) maybe 2? (8)
Devolve? (2)
Holy Nova (5)
So yeah, board clears, kinda expensive, play this after a board clear? Full swing baby.
Lesser Onyx Spellstone
Ah cool, thanks for the clear up.
I’ve only used moat lurker once, in a very meme-y wild reno-kazakus-Raza-N’zoth-quest deck (Pre KFT) and even then it tended to be a post N’zoth move.
I did run a ton of unearthed raptor in a death rattle Rogue and some miracle rogue decks, so that was why I was confused.
So Moat lurker itself counts, but it’s death rattle (if say a friendly loot hoarder was destroyed) would not trigger since it would be summoned.
Lesser Onyx Spellstone
Note- PLAY, not summon.
Cards like-N’zoth, Moat lurker a deathrattle, (does Moat lurker count? It isn’t a deathrattle unless it destroys something, so is it a deathrattle or not if it does?) Stealing priest resurrect cards.
Seems difficult to get it to upgrade twice
Possessed Lackey
Can someone explain why you would run Recruit cards? The mechanic seems more for arena than it is for ranked.
Most recruit minions have very low stats, and the death rattle ones are almost counterintuitive.
You pay so much mana, for a low stat minion, that only works when the card targets are still in your deck.
I get that the battlecry ones are great (as it essentially a spell saying (Play an X- from your deck, and summon an Y/Z minion.)
And the deathrattles work great in an Barnes/Big deck, but the he hey seem lackluster for me.
Deathrattles ate so slow, most good deathrattles, the opponent makes it so that the deathrattles is negligible, or in their favor. Like having board clear/removal for minions that summon, or ignores entirely making the minions useless for that turn, and dealing with the minor threats after.
Paying 5 mana, for a 2/2.
If I were the opponenr, I’d just hold a removal, or play a huge threat.
Options for the opponent, Trade and summon big creature (and hope there is no removal), play their own threat (leaves my threat on the board), Deal with my threat, likely not having enough mana to make another threat.
Arguably you could say they trade and play Siphon Soul, but it just seems slow to me.
Sure you can pull out another big minion, but wouldn’t it be better to just curve a regular minion?
I’m not hating the card, nor am I a pro, but to me Recruit seems pretty slow for deathrattles.
Furbolg Mossbinder
People are saying it’s a pretty bad card and a “nerf to evolve” shaman.
Well, it kinda is and kinda isnt.
Yes there is now and 5 mana 1/1 that you can evolve into, but equally so there is a 5 mana minion that changes your 2/2, 3/3 jade or 2/3 jade cat thing (after attacking) to gain a couple extra stats, then you can
-DK evolve it,
-Evolve the entire board
-Unstable Evolve it (and continue doing so if you have mana
-the evolve minion (the 4/5 battle cry one, I mean you could tech that in :P)
Think of it this way, yes your chain gang now has a chance a 1 in however many 5 drops there are chance, to be this card.
Equally so you have X amount of chances to evolve this poor Stat minion into a 6 cost minion.
Need I remind you Evolve shaman runs Doppelgangster? A card giving them 3, 5 mana 2/2 they are almost always playing evolve with on turn 6?
Given that case, and often times they do have 1 or 2 minions surviving past turn 5, if you don’t have Doppelgangster in your hand but have this and a totem on board, easy stats.
Alternatively this is good for late game for Shaman, because their deck focuses on good RNG for high Stat minions to overwhelm the opponent, in the case they run out of fuel, this provides a small assistance (best with the DK to evolve after using battlecry)
Overall, I say this is not an instant dust for 10/100 dust, but I also don’t have high hopes.
(Even my example is extremely situational, possible yes, but dopplegangster just offers WAY more value)
Geosculptor Yip
In my current control n’zoth deck (not a great version I’m missing some pretty useful epics (sleep with the fishes and shield slam) at the lower ranks (17-15 ish, depending if I fight jades mostly)
I can usually end up with at least 20 armor against other combo/control decks, and around 6 against some aggro decks since I have numerous whirlwind clear effects.
I’m not sure what mana place is the best for the summon, it used to be 8, and it still might be, but we know 6, 8, and some 10 are good.
(6 from evolve shaman, which works fairly well in sets of 3 (dopplegangster+evolve)
(8 from past patches, ex, Ragnaros Fire (wild)/Light lord. amongst other nicely stated minions.)
(10 simply because we have some high stated minions, and since this is done for free, they are pretty good to get. Ultrasaur for a 7/14, Faceless Behemoth for a 10/10, Yshraaj, etc)
Of course there are other boons and fails, injured kavaldir raider on 1(2/4), doomsayer on 2, but injured blade master on 3 (4/7) etc,
All around a card that should be tested and given a chance.
Side note- Definitely worth trying an “End of turn- control” warrior deck
Lynessa Sunsorrow
Interesting card, and it’s pretty much a 1 cost reduction on hero power spikeridge steed, since you often do have a minion on turn 6 to play it on.
My only question, is can this be viable?
Right now very few decks run silence (Some Kazakus highlanders) very few run silence (Some control decks run the 4-mana neutral minion) and even less have ways to gain silence (Getting Iron-beak owl in Build a beast from DK Hunter)
The meta could shift to where we do see more, but this at best (at the moment) could be an OK deck, but not a high top tier deck, and ones that do have top tier potential are pretty much existing decks with new cards worked in.
Even in my Highlander deck, I have no use for silence because silence is used for denying deathrattles (uncommon), continuous/trigger abilities (Usually fairly small), and buffs (I rarely see something worthwhile to silence that isn’t worth just using any other removal) at best it’s are hero power refresh (with velen, it’s 8 damage for free), at worst it’s a dead card (full hand but need to draw combo pieces)
Even though silence is a thing, I can’t see this becoming that viable, simply because it is SLOW, jade druid ramps too quickly on a decent draw, playing a buff means not playing a minion, so removal takes out the threat and leaves you behind, some buffs aren’t that useful (Silverman portal, buff is small, minion is small) some buffs compete for critical turns (Blessing could also be a True Silver or Consecrate, sure the minion is big but those cards I find much more helpful for controlling the board, and with a card like this that’s what you want)
If I get this card in my first 10, I wouldn’t outright disenchanted it, but to find/make a deck where this works? I don’t think it’ll be during the year of the mammoth is what I feel.
Adaptation (spell immunity), 2x Spikeridge, and maybe Blessing.
Value-POTENTIALLY insane, but potentially a dead card if you can’t get your buffs out.
Roll the Bones
It probably won’t in standard, but Wild? It’d be crazy with Sylvannas, Piloted Shredder, and Tomb Pillager.
Roll the Bones
Really interesting card, I’ve messed with a N’zoth rogue deck in the past (Though that was year of the Kraken), but knowing these insane cards are here, especially the Death Knight Rogue, you could really build an insane deathrattle deck.
Will it be as good without Sylvannas, Tomb Keeper, and Unearthed raptor (Which although wouldn’t benefit, having multiple deathrattles is still incredibly good)? Who knows.
I’d certainly try this in wild though, especially if you have Spirit Singer Umbra, and Emperor Thaurisan,
Just tempo to turn 5, do some tempo Thaurisan, prep, Roll the Bones, draw a bunch of deathrattles, play something like Umbra and Jade Swarmer for turn 6 with maybe 2 prior jades making it a 3/4+1/1 stealth+5/5 (if Thaurisan wasn’t cleared), +3/3 Jade.
I see potential, is it auto include for N’zoth decks? I don’t know, deathrattles are notoriously worse than Battlecries since they lack immediate impact without Umbra (Which make it slower since Umbra is 4 mana and would need to stick another turn for the better deathrattles) However, I can say this is MUCH better than that dragon card since deathrattles can be cheap, where as many of the better dragon cards costed 5+ mana, and all relevant legendary dragons 8+
Desperate Stand
Redemption: Paladin Secret,
Costs 1 mana
Uncontrollable, friendly minions only,
Feelsbadman when you have Noble Sacrifice with it.
-Can be read as: Immediately resurrect a friendly minion after your opponent kills one.
Desperate-resistance: Paladin Spell
Costs 2 mana
Deathrattle effect
Can be used on enemy minions.
For that 1 additional mana, you get to control who gets it, you can trigger it on your own turn, doesn’t hit Noble Sacrifice.
It is an OK card, but you have to think, what am I using this on, and when will this card be a “Can this turn the game around/Put me further ahead” card.
I can see this against a control deck that used Doom Sayer, because then you use this on their doom sayer and play deathrattle minions (like the eggs, not saying you’d make this deck but it’s a theory) so the board is wiped, you have minions, but they have to either invest mana to kill their own doomsayer (Thus having less valuable minions on board) or be forced to use just HP, weapons, and spells that turn again.
Ultimate Infestation
I don’t have Druid quest so take what I say with a grain of salt regarding this deck.
That is true, but you still have to ask yourself, exactly what card(s) are you cutting out to run this?
Lunar Visions, while not entirely practical, still helps accelerate getting those cards played, especially since it reduces those minion cost by 2, an upwards of 4 mana refund if you draw minions making it a (albeit slower) 1 mana draw 2 if it hits 2 minions, 3 mana draw 2 if hits 1 minion, and an unfortunate 5 mana draw 2 if hitting spells.
You probably aren’t taking out your 5 attack minions due to you actually needing to complete the quest, and by removing your 5 attack minions you make your quest less consistent.
You could remove cards like Mire Keeper, Bright Eyed Scout (Run by some decks), but similar to Lunar Visions, Mire Keeper ramps, so that even if you haven’t completed your quest yet, you get the mana you need sooner to play the bigger minions, Bright Eyed Scout is a high roll card, (Hitting something like Y’shaarj is awesome, but hitting innervate would be terrible) and if you hit Ultimate Infestation with her, that’s incredible, but again, it’s a high-roll card.
All-in-all, we will need to see more cards to see where this card fits, and if there are cards in Big Druid, we can replace that are more effective that we can more readily slot this card inside.
Again, I don’t play Big Quest Druid, so take what I say with a grain of salt, but from my purely analytical point of view, it’s an incredible card, but I am not sure if you want to just put it in Big Druid, just yet. Afterall, even if your main gameplan is to ramp, you risk having poor draws, no board presence, and if it’s some insane high roll deck where it’s like get Ult Infest ASAP, your “Ideal hand” would have a bunch of ramp, innervates, Ult Infest, but no minions for you to protect/attack with until then other than Mire Keeper (4 mana)
So yes this is an amazing card to draw after completing your quest on Turn 8+ with innervate in hand (or coin at turn 9), but keep in mind if you don’t ramp, this means by the time this card is useable, you’ve drawn anywhere from 11 (3 cards going first 8 cards drawn from turn 1 to 8) meaning by this time you had a 1/15 chance of drawing this card anytime (actually increasing since your deck is getting thinner as you draw) which makes it unfortunate to draw anytime earlier than turn 8 with innervate, and even worse without.
Amazing card yes, but it’s not a flexible one. You could say it is because of the card draw, but your spending your entire turn (if your quest isn’t complete) doing all that and nothing more.
Ultimate Infestation
Extremely good card, druid has ramp, now has removal+board presence+card draw all in one.
I think the only downside is that this card is most likely played in some control/tempo oriented druid deck, which means you’re running high value cards, the difficulty in that is that well, right now we have token Druid, which is aggro, Jade Druid, which focuses mostly going infinite with Fandral(optionally)+Gadgetzan+Jade Idol, making it not exactly an auto include.
I mean you could say this could be placed in Big (Quest) Druid, as it summons a 5 attack minion, it does go toward your quest, but this is a spell so after you complete the quest, you still have to pay the 10 mana. Also in such a deck, you have this enormous hand due to all the higher cost minions, meaning you can’t exactly afford to use all 10 mana, to draw 5 cards where your hand is full/will be full in that case.
Is this a good card? Absolutely, but unfortunately, this is more of an Arena card (Providing MASSIVE tempo, with all it’s effects) I just don’t see a current deck for Druid you could fit this into without it being so situational.
I suppose one could use it as a surprise card in aggro… but then if you draw it early, you have a 10 mana card you can’t ramp into easily since you’d be playing aggro/token cards more than ramp cards.
Exodia refers to the One Turn Kill (Really two turn) quest mage deck, similar to the Yu-Gi-Oh! Cards Exodia the Forbidden One, where by holding the 5 pieces of Exodia, (2 arms, 2 legs, the head) you automatically win the game. If you aren’t aware of Yu-Gi-Oh! Rules, you can have at most 6 cards in your hand, or you have to discard them, which is why the combo is so difficult to pull off, because you cannot play them, you need to hold them.
Exodia Quest Mage is either
Giants (Arcane Giant and Molten Giant) utilizing the free Arcane Giants with Ice Blocked lethal to have free Molten Giants, giving you 4 8/8 meaning as long as they have no more than 2 armor, you win with giants alone.
(Play free/cheap giants, play quest, next turn use burn spells and attack face with giants for up to 45 damage with 4 giants, 2 fireballs, and hero power)
Antonidas Quest which revolves around Sorcerers apprentice and Archmage Antonidas.
Which is pretty much after (usually) completing the quest,
Sorcerer’s apprentice x2, Molten reflection them, play quest, end turn, play antonidas, play a spell, throw infinite fireballs.
Knights of the Frozen Throne Guide, Release Date, Card Spoilers List, Missions
Just noting an error on the display,
Coldwraith (The Mage common recently released) is put under the Paladin commons. Just pointing it out now 😛
Hearthstone Classic Card Set - Which Cards Could Still Be Nerfed?
I loved the article and agreed mostly, though the Rock-Biter weapon made me scratch my head not sure how that’d work out.
But anyways I’d like to ask a question on Priest, which as everyone knows, is pretty much a joke in standard.
What do you think needs to be done?
Right now priest is at an all time low, it lost Velen’s Chosen to make Northshire Cleric and any other low cost minion, be able to trade up, because the Priest class 1 and 2 drops, have no effect on the board considering if they try trading it’s almost guaranteed to die.
It also lost Light Bomb, making one of their strongest (and really only seen) AoE cards vanish meaning board control is next to impossible.
Their board clears are Auchenai/Embrace with Circle of Healing (But that’s a two card combo and is only 4 damage), Holy Nova, which let’s face it 2 damage right now is a joke, with WoToG, C’thun’s cards are too big, N’zoth just brings deathrattles back, and Yogg has like two, maybe three other minions in their deck making board clears next to pointless. And their only other AoE is either Doomsayer or Excavated Evil, none of which allow Priest to get back in the game.
Doomsayer makes their turn a fresh start, but what good is that when there are no decent late game cards for Priest other than neutrals? Sure you have Confessor, but at 4 health on turn 9/10? There’s almost no way they don’t have an answer even if it’s not often run. Plus Excavated damages your own minions, and again it’s turn 5 for 3 damage overall.
There are just too many decks out there where it’s not worth it. Light bomb sure it killed your minions sometime, but at the current meta, Light bomb + another AoE the following turn (Holy Nova being the preffered one) would actually work!
And let’s not mention Shadow Word: Horror… exactly how many cards are being played with 2 or less attack? Almost all C’thun cards, bar Beckoner and Disciple (which is already at 1 health) have 3+ attack. If you’re playing N’zoth, you’ve probably got big deathrattle minions like Sylvannas, Tomb Pillager, Tirion, etc, etc. And again Yogg plays few minions but decks that do, don’t really have ones at 2 or less attack.
Do you think they have any way of coming back right now? I know in the current meta maybe not, but without bigger 1 drop, 2 drop heck even 3 drop minions, their turn 4 is useless when the enemy is almost guaranteed a better board considering Priest’s minions for the first three rounds, don’t have any attack that isn’t effective enough.
Question: Are the packs going to be awarded once per day when a quest is completed (Like the Quest for Packs you were limited to one entry per day even if you saved two quests prior)
Or is it one pack per quest?