ASonofThoth's Comments
"Control" Demon Hunter - #4 Legend (Eddie) - Outland
No, it is not. It is a win condition on its own. Against Druid, for instance, you can use it to block their super turn by playing it a turn before. Also, if you have the Wargleives equipped, it is a cost 4 that destroys all your opponents monsters right away.
Tyrande Given Out For Free Later This Year; Alleria, Magni and Medivh on Sale Until December 10
Yeah, the problem was that when they did the event, the ones who didn’t play WoW found Kadghar (me inckuding) found Kadghar unappealing, as Medivh looks more cool all in dark. I guess that now, after the card, many people would buy it.
Aggro Priest - #60 Legend (MJM) - Uldum Post-Nerf
In addition, the normal Priest is more agro than this deck.
Mecha'thun Quest Warlock - #12 Legend (PamelaP) - Uldum Post-Nerf
Ok. I’ll give it a try and compare with the lackey MecaThun deck.
Midrange Hunter - #7 Legend (SirVILGAUDAS) - Uldum Post-Nerf
How many games do they play before posting their decks? I’m dubious this can make it so high unless he plays a couple of games and post the final result when they are lucky.
Mecha'thun Quest Warlock - #12 Legend (PamelaP) - Uldum Post-Nerf
I wonder how this can make legend. I mean, how can it defend against aggro or midrange (like Druid Quest)?
Dark Pharaoh Tekahn
The card is good. I wish it was neutral, to reinforce lakey decks of all classes. Indeed, why did they do a Warlock? That choice seems pretty arbitrary to me.
Anka, the Buried
This card combos with MecaThun in theory. The problem is that Rogue just does not endure well.
Making Mummies
Yeah. If it can do something in standard it will be more than enough, which depends on the cards with reborn.
Making Mummies
The reward is indeed very good, but the main problem is the number of reborn cards that are out there and their quality. In particular, if reborn is something just from this expansion, I fear that the reborn cards will make it very weak. And I agree, it makes much more sense in priest.
EVIL Totem
Well, after they’ve released the mission of the Shaman I prefer the rat because it is a battlecry and faster.
Questing Explorer
I’m not that sure it is an obvious buff, specially if you draw after doing the mission.
I’m starting to understand why the nerfed DQ Alex and Galakron. Imagine a Highlander Rogue with such a cards.