Arcanor's Comments
Deathrattle, Pirate, Rastakan Theory Craft
Eh it was used back when 7-mana-Bonemare and tempo rogue were tier 1. There are just no good windfury minions outside shaman so you consider stormwatcher or windfury harpy (mainly for even decks) usually.
Valenash's #41 Legend Odd Hunter (November 2018)
Here’s his vod.
Raven's Mech Paladin - Boomsday Theorycraft
I feel a lot of these fast mech paladin decks might end up cutting Endless army because they keep playing small mechs. If you play glowtrons on turn 1, frame bots on turn 2, spring rockets on turn 3 or get any of the cheap ones on turn 5 with call to arms how many will actually be able to magnetize and then bring back with endless army ? And how often will that end up strong enough?
Amnesiac's Witchwood Even Shaman ft. Earthen Might, Zap!
All aggressive even lists for all classes can and probably will use 0-drops. Synergy with strong 2-drops like Juggler and Dire Wolf (and class ones like flametongue) for a deck that isn’t allowed to run 1-drops is pretty good.
Hey, what I get from the “source” tweet is that he got 12w with his warrior deck, not this one.