Antma's Comments
The Lurker Below
This is quite an op card. 6/3 is a very good stat line contrary to the popular believe.
The effect is just bonkers, because as a baseline 6/3 deal 3 damage it is playable, but the effect can bounce to neighbors and back to deathrattle minions is crazy.
The only reason, it is a lot worse is with the introduction of the dormant cards. Now the opponent can just separate neighboring minions.
Galakrond, the Unspeakable
Resurrect priest with getting random northshire clerics. Yup seems terrible.
Galakrond, the Unspeakable
This is a bad res priest class, because you can get cheap priest minions
Galakrond, the Unspeakable
I think this is the weakest galakrond. Because it is so random. The killing, the hero power. The only reason for running it is the thaurissan drake.
Galakrond, the Wretched
Even though this card has a bad rating, i am getting those even paladin vibes. Such fun times.
Diving Gryphon
Nice that hunter gets the most broken cards, because of that „bad hero power“.
Flik Skyshiv
Like deathrattles in deck. That would be stupid. Because you just shuffle 20 Lepra gnomes into your deck. Kill one and deal 40 damage.
Sry, was some comment glitch.
The good news is psychic scream is devastating against token boards. So priest has a really good card.
And as a tip, built your priest deck with a kill combo to not die against control when using psychic scream. And as an upside you win against jades.
I think this card is highly underrated, because if it is played on an empty board, it is devastating: the opponent needs to use boardclears on it but probably won’t kill it, so it probably triggers twice and possibly even more times, because if the deck running it is aggro, those board clears may have been used up. And if it is left alone a bloodlust is deadly, either from shaman or our boy zephrys.
This card probably is a 5 star card.
Breath of the Infinite
This is what priest needed. Definitely an auto include in any priest deck. With or without dragons.
This card is supreme, a 2/3 weapon is decent, but drawing 3 cards on top of a 2/3 is insane.
This card is of the charts, even though it looks innocent.
The next turn you play a 2 mana 4/3, than buff this weapon with greenskin turn 5.
I am happy it is legendary, because this way it is only like a single copy as was lunas pocket galaxy.
I just want to remind you of galakrond and his +3 attack for warrior. It basically is already shaped up as an aggro meta. Just depends how fast the other decks are or how good the healing works.
Already hate this card. It is worse than anchar, but that’s not saying a lot.
This card is epic and more consistent With 2 copies and it will be an auto include in any paladin.
Weapon tempo plus value is unbeatable. The only difference is, that this card is really cheap, just imagine this and the pirate reequiping this weapon. Big uff.
It also happens on curve. Attack turn 3, attack turn 4 And pirate.