AndreWindy's Comments
16x Mercenaries Pre-Purchase Sweepstake! (50x Mercenaries Packs + Diablo or Lich King Legendary Merc)
Good luck everybody!
5x Forged in the Barrens Pre-Purchase (60 Packs + 2x Legendary Card + Card Back) + 10x Scholomance Academy Collectible Pin Giveaway!
Good luck, everyone!
Choose Your Champion for the 2020 World Championship and Earn up to 4 Darkmoon Card Packs for Free
I have a question… I know that the championship ended, but I’m pretty sure I voted for Jarla and yet I didn’t get any packs. Am I the only one to whom this has happened? And could someone help me where should I post this “bug” for blizzard to see?
Interesting how they changed Illidan Stormrage legendary card, so Illidan can’t play himself, but they seemed to drop that pretty quickly since you can have Rokara play Rokara, Tamsin play Tamsin, Yrel play Yrel and so on.