Altron64's Comments
Altrons Turbo SN1P-SN4P combo
The issue with any minion under 4 cost in the deck is that they break our combo with Witchwood Piper. Sense Demons fetches Pipers (only demon in deck), Pipers fetch Mechwarpers and then fetch SN1P-SN4P when you’ve drawn your Mechwarpers. Piper also fetches Meat Wagon as the last card if you have Mechwarpers and SN1P-SN4P in hand. Basically Witchwood Piper draws you all the wombo combo cards, and the large amount of 1 and 2 mana spells keep you alive in the early game to combo as soon as possible.
The Plot Twists just help you set up your hand and also interact with The Soularium, SN1P-SN4P, and basically anything you’ve echoed.
Glenda is usually a last resort for me that I save for a second win con. If you play it right, you can always have that as a backup plan for turn 9 if the game goes that long.
Ancient Brewmaster is definitely not a bad idea. The best flex slot in the deck is probably Spellbreaker. Emperor is starting to pay off in my list a bit more. He’s a good turn 4 play if you can’t find the combo but have Portal on the field.
Check out my updated list in the description. We added more early game removal and took out Dark Possesion. The new backup plan is Archvillain Rafaam which can turn games around if all the combo stuff backfires.