All0is0Dust's Comments
Genn Greymane
Wow… shows how often I play the card. Then unless they change that mechanic it will work exactly as you said.
Genn Greymane
I think the best way to think of this effect is Prince Malchezar, his effect happens before you even draw your opening hand. So I believe quests won’t work with this card.
This is really good against oozes as long as you have a paladin deck that runs a majority of creatures over spells.
Our Lord and Savior: The Ancient One
I completely agree, built the deck thinking it could be pretty fun. Then lost 5 games in a row…
Wild Midrange Lakkari warlock (working)
I’ve also been trying to make the quest work and also found that wild is the format for it. I highly recommend Sir Finley, as getting either priest or warrior hero powers help you survive much better in the late game. I quite like the idea this deck focuses on as a midrange style and will likely try it myself.
Shudderwock plus Reno Jackson…