Aljosaking's Comments
Blackhowl Gunspire
It’s not unreliable to use Woecleaver if you run Dead Man’s Hand. If you build a whole deck around it, it could work. Don’t forget that when Grim Patron was revealed, everyone thought it was terrible because it didn’t fit into any existing meta decks. But, right now, there are no warrior meta decks. So, if this card is to work, it will work in an entirely new deck. I think it’s ridiculous to judge it before the whole set has been revealed, and people have a chance to experiment and see in which direction the meta is heading.
On the second thought, you may want to not include Hagatha as she can mess up the combo. If you trigger battlecries in this order: grumble, saronite chain gang, Hagatha, (…) (murmuring repeat): Hagatha (…) it will just just clear your board.