alexzon's Comments
Evolve Token Shaman Deck List Guide (Post Nerf) - Kobolds - March 2018
Sea Giant
Aya isn’t that strong. Statistics comprove.
Forge of Souls - Hearthstone Top Decks Exclusive Frozen Throne Card Reveal!
Same to me. Best site.
Hearthstone Live Q&A - Journey to Un'Goro and Quest Rogue Nerf Liveblog
Every class has an iconic Legendary from the Classic set. Would Paladin lose it? I don’t think so.
Maybe Tirion should be 9 mana, or the weapon should be 5/2.
Hearthstone Live Q&A - Journey to Un'Goro and Quest Rogue Nerf Liveblog
Sorry to disagree, Sylvannas and Ragnaros were on a very few decks during Gadgetzan meta.
How the Quest Rogue Nerf will Impact the Meta
Michal, Blizzard does that. Always did.
After the nerf, you have a week or so to dust the card(s) for it’s full value.
High Priestess Finja
Oh, I’m gonna try this tonight for sure.
Finja, Lyra, Medivh – everything in one cracy deck!
Evolve Token Shaman Deck List Guide (Post Nerf) - Kobolds - March 2018
I run this deck with a Cult Master instead of a Mana Tide Totem and a Sea Giant instead of a Devolve.
Works pretty well to me.
Ostkaka's N'Zoth Control Paladin - #1 Legend (May 2017, Season 38)
Why is the Rallying Blade there? Mana curve?
Aggro Pirate Warrior Deck List Guide - Kobolds - February 2018
Thanks for the long reply, Dave, I like when people express themselves. I see your point. My point is that the game exists for us to have fun with it.
If you hate a deck, you don’t have fun playing with it, even in high ranks. In this case, there’s no reason in playing the game. That’s the way I see things.
I prefer to use a basic deck I like and try hard to achieve rank 15, for example, instead of playing the grind ladder with a deck I hate and get rank 5+ every month.
About the money, there’s no doubt that buying packages help your progress in the game, but it’s not necessary. It just takes longer and you need more discipline to get gold and use it well.
But it’s a fact that it’s very hard for a free player to be able to play with every meta deck, every meta. The most common scenario is a free player being able to build a couple of tier 1/2 decks.
For me, Pirate Warrior is a coin. If you get a good curve, you win, if not, you lose. With the abundance of taunt minions in Un’Goro, the deck is having a hard time right now.
MaxTheRipper's Un'Goro Aggro Murloc Paladin (April 2017, Season 37)
I don’t have the Megasaur and only one Vilefin.
Is it still viable to build the deck? What could I put in place?
Aggro Pirate Warrior Deck List Guide - Kobolds - February 2018
Totally agree.
It’s not funny to play against, even winning.
It’s not funny to play with, even winning.
Recently I’ve been winning a lot against it, and it’s still a very poor game experience.
Visual Guides of Possibilities for Finders Keepers, Kabal Chemist, Kabal Trafficker, and Lotus Illusionist
Kind of off-topic, sorry. But where can you guys find high resolution card arts?
I NEED this little cat. :O
Ultimate Hearthstone 2020 (Year of the Phoenix) Standard Rotation Schedule & Guide - Which Sets Rotate Out, Hall of Fame, How To Maximize Your Dust Gain
I don’t think the quotes are enough to guarantee that the we’re going to have an expansion in march-april instead of an adventure. Both are written in a generic way and can be interpreted in different ways.
We are loosing 2 adventures and 1 expansion, in other words, less cards than 2 expansions and 1 adventure. So, having an adventure instead of an expansion in march-april wouldn’t be that bad about the number of cards in standard.
I’m not saying that I think we’re going to have an adventure in march-april, just that I’m not sure about Blizzard plans. Sometimes I think not even them know for sure what’s going to happen. :\
Raza the Chained
It’s the first thing that came to my mind. This kind of thing can’t exist in the game – too broken.
Hearthstone Heroic Tavern Brawl Deck Lists and Information
2-3 weeks for the new expansion and Blizzard asks us to exchange gold for Old Gods packs?
Even if I was a great player with chances of 7+ victories, what difference a bunch of Old Gods packs do right now?
Drakonid Operative
The problem is that a card that is “good enough without the text” isn’t playable in actual meta.
Where are the Bolderfist Ogres and Chillwind Yetis?
The discover mechanic is great but you can’t guarantee that a card from another class will work with your deck; even if it works, you still have to pay the mana for it. And there’s the Dragon in hand demand.
Great card, not OP. MY opinion.
They will rotate with next year first expansion, not this one.
I played some games with this Recruit Hunter.
I had success but the “recruit package” is terrible, simply doesn’t work. I usually win the game much earlier than Kathrena.
I modified the deck a bit, no recruit package and no Rexxar too. Got rank 7 with it. Cool deck to play.