Agooo's Comments
Ivory Knight
I tried it in a Midrange Paladin deck. One time it gave me Dinosize (10 heal) and then Dinosize buffed up a SHR and won me the game. The problem is that most of the time it gives a 1 or 2 heal weak spell, so overall it is not worth including.
I am playing the “Sirvilgauda” variant of Dragon Priest. It is so much fun to play, and it has a good WR once you get to learn the deck. My problem is not having a good way to get back into the game with Aggro deck. Once they start winning, they keep winning. Priest of the feast is too slow. I am hoping to find a 3 or 4 drop taunt or lifesteal minion to slow down Aggro/get me back into the game. Any suggestions?