Advocaat's Comments
How Good Will Questlines Be in United in Stormwind?
Wow, you were SO wrong about the mage one…
Miracle Garrote Rogue - Hunterace - United in Stormwind
For some reason my game thinks Auctioneer is wild card and won’t let me play it in standard.
United in Stormwind is Now Live! Happy Expansion Day Everyone!
3 legendaries in 83 packs for me. Really underwhelming
Best and Most Interesting Cards from United in Stormwind
You can literally swap the worst card of any deck for a random different one and the overall results won’t differ that much. Try the Nozdormu thing.
I don’t expect Maestra to be in any meta deck. I just think many people will try her.
Best and Most Interesting Cards from United in Stormwind
I think Maestra could see some play. The thing is there isn’t really much downside. It’s just one card in the deck for the possibility of having a decent advantage (and fun).
Chains of Domination - World of Warcraft Patch 9.1 Wowhead Coverage
I find it hard not to be a WoW fan, honestly. I mean sure, some decisions of the development team were kinda meh (especially lately) but in general it has been an amazing game.
What Should be Priest's Class Identity in Hearthstone? A Brief History of Priest Archetypes
Nowadays when I meet priest I often concede way before the game is decided because it’s just too boring. I don’t enjoy watching priest play 20 cards a turn that do almost nothing. Those matches are sooo annoying. They are also annoying to watch, that’s why I stopped following tournaments lately.
Wailing Caverns Hearthstone Mini-Set Price & Card Rarity Distribution
Although it may not be the case now, I just wanna point out that 35 cards definitely IS enough to change the meta. Imagine those cards being Baku + Greymane or something similar….
Best Hearthstone Decks - Standard Meta Tier List - The Great Dark Beyond + Heroes of StarCraft (March 2025)
At gold 5 it doesn’t really matter which deck you play, trust me. It’s all about your gameplay.
Poison Aggro Rogue - Early #2 Legend (ThisIsChris) - The Barrens
Thanks for the reply. It actually helped me. I still have problems with some decks though -especially rush warrior (adding second cloak of shadows helped a bit). Control priest is also hard since they heal a lot. But on the other hand this absolutely destroys mages
Battlegrounds Quilboar Guide: What Are They and How Do They Work?
So far quillboars seem to be a little too strong. Their scaling is insanely fast when you hit a good blood gem generator. In my games I would say like 8 out of 10 times quillboar composition wins the lobby :/
How To Get Mysteries of the Phoenix Card Back - Barrens Secret "???" Achievement - FULL SOLUTION INSIDE!
Just a small tip for people trying to solve the last one – you can actually quit the game and continue later as long as you don’t concede
Patch 20.2 Known Issues - Glaivebound Adept Missing, Tavern Regular Achievement Portraits, Shop Issues And More
yea, fixed for me too
Tavern Regular Achievement (Total Rewards Track Level) Hero Portraits - Full List, How To Get Them
“as you can see, skins you get from it are quite premium, and not many players will run around with them”
Well not really. You get your first skin after just 200 levels, so basicaly everyone will have at least one. And since everyone can pick what they want, you will likely meet all of these skins pretty often.
Poison Aggro Rogue - Early #2 Legend (ThisIsChris) - The Barrens
Hey, thanks for the insight. I have to admit that I still have no idea how to play this deck though. I am in dumpster legend (so not very good but not bad either). When I play it I feel there is just zero value (even for an aggro deck). Clearing my minions is very easy for most decks and I just don’t have enough fuel to keep board presence. Any enemy taunt is a big problem but even without taunts it feels I have no damage to actually kill my opponent. Weapon build up is just too slow most of the time. I would really want to see this deck being played well.
20.2 Patch Notes - Quilboars & 3 New Heroes in Battlegrounds, Duels Humble Blessings Nerf, New Hero Skins, Diamond Ragnaros And More - May 4
Yes, you have to craft them. When I found out which classic legendaries I’m missing, I just gave up on diamond rag. I absolutely will not craft 10 totally useless legendaries to get it.
Top Standard & Wild Legend Decks - Forged in the Barrens Week 3 - April 2021
Paladin is still busted. Nerf did basically nothing to it.
Hearthstone Battlegrounds Heroes Tier List & Guide - Best Available Heroes & Strategies - August 2023
No but I’ve seen a different glitch – One player left the lobby right at the beginning and one other player played against him every single fight since. He had like 15 turns against ghost with no board so obviously he was 40 hp 1st place all game. Unfortunately I ended in third place so I don’t know what happened when they were only 2 players left.
Patch 20.0.2 Battlegrounds & Duels Updates - Queen Wagtoggle and Captain Hooktusk Returning, Minion Changes And More! - April 13
Why buffing Macaw? It’s already very good unit when it fits the composition.
I think I understand their decisions in this. I personally am far more likely to try this mode while it’s inside HS than if it was a separate game.