Aborro's Comments
Reno Dragon C'Thun
Your chances of having C’thun on over 10 attack by turn 7 is pretty slim in this deck though, so Vek’lor wouldn’t be too consistent. If you wanna try it, I’d cut the Twilight Geomancer, since it’s a pretty weak card, that only really opens your C’thun up to being killed by The Black Knight (aka: being TBK:ed)
Caverns Below I find to be a good example, just for how inconsistent what it actually does has been, because say in mtg, if I was good enough at the rules, which I can always go read, I’d always know how any number of cards would interact, with caverns its been a Rollercoaster between patches. Can they be silenced? Can they be buffed? Can they be shrunk? Who knows?