808mafiabruh's Comments
17.2.1 Balance Update Coming May 18 - 8 Card Nerfs (Priestess of Fury, Hanar, Bloodboil Brute) + 4 Buffs (Shaman & Paladin)
I dropped HS on the day LoR got released, and it was the best decision ever. Just hop over to LoR if you’re not having fun with HS anymore and you won’t regret it. Once you start playing LoR you’ll know how insanely generous that game is, and you’ll start to understand why Riot is what Blizzard could never be.
Ashes of Outland Warlock Theorycrafts - Demon Days
Bruh there’s no Galakrond in that Galakrond deck. Is that on purpose?
Coilfang Warlord
Blizzard team 5: the class identity of Demon hunter will be aggro, in your face and swarm with small minions type.
Also Blizzard team 5: let’s print out control and midrange cards for demon hunter this expansion.
The Lurker Below
What does it mean by ‘an adjacent minions’? Is it an adjacent minion or is it adjacent minions??
Astromancer Solarian
Can’ agree more man. Enough with the rng shit already. Box of Yogg and Reno hero card are probably the worst cards ever designed. Now they gon add more rng…
Dragon Hunter - #7 Legend (Orange) - Galakrond's Awakening
Finally a deck that can ef em no brainer embiggen mofos up! Great deck bringing back some midrange-ish aggro fun.
Galakrond's Awakening Meta Decks (Week 1) - Best Hearthstone Pro & Streamer Deck Lists For All Classes
I know bro. I actually pre ordered it and now I still can’t play it, meanwhile there are people who already have beaten the whole thing and got the new cards;/
Galakrond's Awakening Meta Decks (Week 1) - Best Hearthstone Pro & Streamer Deck Lists For All Classes
So apparently ‘out’ means mobile iOS platform not included huh Blizzard? Good job guys, good job????
Grand Lackey Erkh
4 mana 2/3 is just a terrible stat, plus the fact that it’s basically useless before turn 5, I don’t think it will see play in Zoo or any aggro decks. I don’t think rouge needs more Lacky generation tools either since you already have all the invoke cards and hero power after Galakrond. Most of the times you’re looking for ways to dump your hand to make space for Galakrond draws with rouge decks so I don’t think it fits in rouge. Maybe not a bad card for midrange Lacky lock.2.5/5 rating imo
Quest Resurrect Priest Deck List Guide – Descent 2nd Nerf – January 2020
No it’s not dude, it’s aggravating to everyone expect those who actually enjoy playing it. I barely play aggro decks and I do not enjoy playing aggro decks, I don’t believe that decks like this is the only way to keep the meta healthy from aggro dominance at all. There’s Galakrond warlock that can destroy aggro decks cause it runs so many heal cards now, but you still need to be good to win with that deck cause you have to evaluate when to lifetap with the problem of fatigue, while being able to play a good control game. However, with resurrect priest, you don’t need to consider none of that sht cause most of the time your opinion is just to play one minion or to clear the board. It’s the most no brainer and aggravating deck ever, period.
Quest Resurrect Priest Deck List Guide – Descent 2nd Nerf – January 2020
I can relate to that I many different levels dude. I remember when priest used to be one of my favorite classes with so many archetypes and interesting interactions. Sure it was frustrating to play against Raza priest because it was simply too op, but you actually need to be good to be able to have a high win rate playing decks like that. With dragon combo priest, it was one of the most skill testing decks ever and It was so fun to play and to play against back in year of the mammoth. And then the whole class identity thing happened, they took away mindblast, and that’s when the whole resurrection fiesta started to take over the class. As a result, resurrection decks have become the only viable archetypes besides inner fire preset. The problem with this kinda decks is, for the main part, what you already said. Besides that, skills don’t even matter anymore cause you can simply win by playing one minion a turn that either heals you or brings back another one that also heals you, and your whole purpose is to just grind them out of either fatigue or their frustration. Decks like this is the reason that is ruining everyone’s gaming experience and making people wanna quit.
Resurrect Priest - #27 Legend (Dabs) - Descent 2nd Nerf
Can’t agree more! I’d rather play against pre nerfed Galakrond Shaman every game than play against this deck.
Best Hearthstone Decks - Standard Meta Tier List - The Great Dark Beyond (December 2024)
In what world is Highlander hunter tier one bruh lmfao?
16.0.5 Balance Update - Nerfs to Corrupt Elementalist, Sludge Slurper, Faceless Corruptor, Mogu Fleshshaper + Battlegrounds Changes - December 19
What do we want them to do? They had one job, to nerf the right cards and not F up, yet they seem to fail every time lol.
Dragon Battlecry Shaman DoD
You can always get tons of overload spells from the spell Lacky.
Dragon Battlecry Shaman DoD
You can always get tons of overload spell from the spell Lacky.
Yeah I know what you’re saying dude that why I said this card is insane. I mean it literally says ‘A turn’, which means it should work if you play this at the beginning of your turn and then press the end turn button, cause that is the end of a turn, otherwise they should change it to ‘during your opponent’s turn’. But then the card would be complete garbage.
Blizzard wants to copy the whole reward system from LoR but they’re just not even nearly as generous as riot to be able to give players the whole collection for free, well in Blizzard’s case, 1/20 of a collection? Lmfao