18marvinb's Comments
catholic racism paladin
Love the deck, especially the name. My only problem with it is: You have too many weapons. You have 7 cards that give you a weapon. The current version of racist Pala already doesnt play truesilvers, and that version doesnt even play libram of justice. I would cut the truesilver and replace it with something else. Maybe Shotbot?
Quest Malygos Druid
Crystal Power has negative synergy with the quest. Once the quest is completed, it will heal the minion you target, hence negating the effect.
Also, I would include a Jepetto Joybuzz. Maybe figure out a way to include a faceless manipulator. The decks needs a little more punch to finish off the opponent.
Choose One Malygos Druid (Ft Elise and Lucentbark) V2
Crystal Power has anti-synergy with the Quest. Once the quest is complete, Crystal Power will damage a minion for 2, then heal that same minion for 5.
Furthermore, I’m not sure about the Gadgetzan Auctioneer package. If you’re going to run that package, running Elise the Enlightened is probably not worth it, as gadgetzan relies on a lot of cheap spells, which you’re going to have to run duplicates of. This will cock-block your combo later on. Say that you want to pull off your combo after having drawn 20-25 cards. Since you are running 7 duplicate cards, the chance of you not having Elise activated after drawing that many cards is pretty high.
Why play Survival of the Fittest? By the time you get around to playing this, you’ll have like 3 minions left in the deck and hand.