And another teaser is out! The third one features Hagatha the Witch. It’s more and more obvious that “black characters” of Hearthstone are gathering together. But in order to do what?
If you have any ideas what this teaser might mean, let us know in the comments!
Here’s a full list of teasers:
interesting that by now there’s the bosses from all adventures. after kaboom, the next card might be either the lich king or the place it gonna happen
it was leaked already… It’s Arch-Thief Rafaam
First to visit the fortuneteller was King Togwaggle (Final Boss in the Dungeon Run solo content)
Second was Hagatha (Final Boss in the Monster Hunt solo content)
Third. will be Dr. Boom (Final Boss from Puzzle Labs solo content)
The last card will be the Final Boss for the new solo content
Last card is gonna be Rafaam
im so mad about this site,
i was a very fan to join and re join to the site to keep update daily, and many times, in my cell.
but this place has take off all my data plan, and all cause this videos in all the website, i scroll they aout thinking they not gonna get downloaded, but gueess what.
i agree this is a bussines, and they win whit this videos, but auto played? theres some diferent if you don reproduce them?
so, i prefer to join the game that join the page, and this consume so much more data.
Sorry for the dab english, im just mad and want that all you know.
Sorry again.
For me the same, pls fix that Mr. Admin
I need my mobile data and I want to use that side, you’re risking to loose me.
5th is undoubtedly Stormpike Commando because he is really bad and his gun goes boom.
I think the 5 cards will be the 5 legendary neutral minions from the next expansion. I jut hope Togwaggle Druid doesn’t return.
Well the last one should be DeeDee right?
Haha nice!
They probably Will print 3 classe Hero each espansion, the next 3 expansiobs are related, so all 9 classe Will get a new hero in the dragon year! King kobold shoulb be Warrior or rogue… Hagata shaman …again ? Warlok maybe? The next seem to be Boom again… but print 2 of the 3 already existing Hero… Dont know…
They said they here will be no heroes next expansion but we will see them in the year
no cosmetic Heroes like Lunara and stuff
There is a cosmetic hero in the bundle…. there is no hero cards in the first expansion period. Look it up yourself son
thats true, but blizzard said otherwise in an developer ama 10 days ago
i copy the important part below, but the link is for the proof :
Will there be an exclusive hero for the Year of the Dragon, like Maiev Shadowsong?
This year there’s not a Hero tied to the Year of the Dragon rotation, but I’d be shocked if we didn’t have some awesome Heroes lined up over the course of the year!
[…] “The Witch” […]