Hey everyone, I try to keep the sites I run pretty separate and on topic, but I figured a lot of Hearthstone players might be checking out Gwent for the first time. Witcher 3 is one of my favorite games of all time, and I really loved Gwent so I jumped on the opportunity to start a website following the stand alone game once the announcement was made. The site has come a long way since then, and I just got done making a bunch of new updates.
Here’s what Gwentify has to offer:
- Gwent Card Database
- Gwent Deck Database
- Gwent Deck Builder
- Gwent Budget Decks for Open Beta
- Article Builder
- Gwent Collection Manager
- You can keep track of your collection, as well as see which cards you are missing from any deck you are browsing. This is something I plan to bring to Hearthstone Top Decks soon!
- Gwent Legendary Card Helper
- This one is a big help to newer players. In Gwent, your guaranteed Rare, Epic, or Legendary card is given to you as an option of three. This is great, as you can choose a card you don’t have or one that you really need. However, if you get a Legendary card choice and are a new player, you might not know which is best. Well, I paired up with the good people at Gwentlemen, to create a tool that allows you to input the cards and helps make a choice for you!
Basically, if you’re a fan of Hearthstone Top Decks, you’ll be a fan of Gwentify. I hope to see some of you over there! Now back to your regularly scheduled Hearthstone content!
I just realized that Mac is not supported. So much for giving it a try. It seems like a really interesting game. Very different from other card games.
Thank you for the next very good site! I tried Gwent on the first day of the open beta and thought that I wouldn’t like it. But now I just can’t stop playing it and I am glad that your side offers good information for beginners!
Glad you’re enjoying it!
So… PC, XBox One, and PlayStation only?
Looks that way, which keeps me from playing it. My computer can barely handle Hearthstone and I don’t normally have a chance to just sit down at it and play a game. I play Hearthstone primarily on a tablet.
Remember that the game is still in the Open Beta! I’m almost sure that the game get a mobile version sooner or later. Devs said that they are aware that the feature is wanted, but they want to polish the game first.
To be fair, they still have plenty of time. Hearthstone came out on Android/iPhone over a year after the game’s release.
When Blizzard first announced Hearthstone, the iPad was included. Hearthstone for Mac and PC was released in March 2014 with the iPad release following in April 2014. You are correct that the iPhone and Android versions weren’t released until April 2015.
I don’t knock Gwent for not being on mobile. I just don’t have a lot of time to sit in front of a computer and play a game, so I probably won’t be checking it out until it’s out for iPad.
Yes, it was released on iPad and Windows Tablets much sooner. But let’s be fair, number of people using those is really small as opposed to people using smartphones. The “real” mobile release was over a year after the game’s release.
But of course, I understand. I was on the same boat for a while, but in my case it was my main PC breaking down (GPU burned :/). I still had an old laptop, but it was hard to use it for anything besides browsing reddit. HS on mobile was a blessing, since I still could play whenever I want and wherever I want.
I was just saying that I’m almost sure that Gwent will get the mobile version eventually, but it might take a while like it took with Hearthstone. Porting a PC game to mobile AND making those two versions work with each other is quite a task.
That all makes sense. I just like to argue…..I mean, discuss.