Week 3 of Felfire Festival is here with a new Burndown Brawl and the second part of single player adventure – Trial by Felfire challenges. Last week was mostly a story-driven experience, and while some bosses were challenging, in the end they were easily beatable after a few tries. This time not only the bosses should be more difficult, but players will need to build their own decks optimized against them.
You will fight against some of the most iconic Outland bosses. There are 9 encounters in total, and for beating all of them players will be awarded with a Golden version of Kael'thas Sunstrider (it’s the only way to get it, as the card can’t be crafted). Sadly, Golden Kael’thas can’t be disenchanted once you get it.
If the Challenges will prove themselves to be, well, challenging enough – we’ll definitely release a guide detailing the encounters and showcasing some good decks to beat them! In the meantime, why not try it yourself?
P.S. You can’t use Wild decks this time around – Standard only!
Is this limited time event or can it be completed whenever?
It’s a free story mode, the golden legend is the reward for “beating”, can take as long as you need.
Easiest I think rez priest. They eventually run out of resources / fatigued -also only deck with which i manage to beat final boss
I use pure libram to beat most of the bosses and hunter otk for supremus
so I have got 3 neutral legendaries in Outland expansion: Kael’thas, Kael’thas, Maiev.
this was weird
I’ve beaten them all with embiggen druid decks, just modify them a bit and restart the challenges till you get embiggen in your hand
got it already with dragon druid and res priest. both deck should have alex.
First ones beat with priest, a weird warlock deck with barrels and scarab for Magtheridon, rest big druid/spell druid and kaelthas with egg warrior. That was my run and pretty happy with it
Was actually not as bad as I thought it would be!
Can you disenchant it?
If only, but I wouldn’t get my hopes up as it’s “free”.
Some people have already finished and confirmed that you can’t disenchant it.