With the mini-set releasing in just a couple of days, we’re already in the middle of the expansion cycle. I don’t know about you, but for me it went by pretty fast.
I won’t really make a deep analysis of the current meta because it will be gone in 2 days. It’s hard to say how impactful the mini-set is going to be, but some of the cards look quite powerful. Is it finally Spell Mage’s time to shine thanks to Malfunction? Will Hunter be back to playing Secrets thanks to Product 9? Or maybe Warrior will now combo big Mechs all day because of Part Scrapper?
Let’s just hope that some of those cards do work well and we get some cool, playable decks instead of a repeat of the current meta. Which, at least for me, already got pretty boring.
Below is a full list of the Legend decks from last week, sorted by the highest placement.
If you want to see all of the current top meta decks, go to our Hearthstone Meta Tier List post!
Hearthstone Standard Legend Decks of the Week
- 1Fistful of Corpses1
- 1Runes of Darkness1
- 2Frost Strike1
- 2Hematurge1
- 3Acolyte of Death1
- 3Chillfallen Baron1
- 3Crop Rotation1
- 3Hardcore Cultist1
- 3Rainbow Seamstress1
- 3Threads of Despair1
- 4Helya1
- 4Maw and Paw1
- 4Quartzite Crusher1
- 5Army of the Dead1
- 5Corpse Bride1
- 6The Headless Horseman1
- 8The Primus1
- 10Climactic Necrotic Explosion1
- 25Reska, the Pit Boss1
- 1Awakening Tremors1
- 1Bunch of Bananas1
- 1Sneaky Snakes1
- 1Thornmantle Musician1
- 2Bait and Switch1
- 2Barrel of Monkeys1
- 2Hidden Meaning1
- 2Observer of Myths1
- 2Patchwork Pals1
- 2Remote Control1
- 2Titanforged Traps1
- 3Kill Command1
- 4Camouflage Mount1
- 4Mystery Egg1
- 4Theldurin the Lost1
- 6Aggramar, the Avenger1
- 6Mister Mukla1
- 7Toyrannosaurus1
- 8Stranglethorn Heart1
- 9King Plush1
Hearthstone Wild Legend Decks of the Week
- 1Crystalline Oracle1
- 1Potion of Madness1
- 1Psychic Conjurer1
- 1Shadow Word: Devour1
- 1Voidtouched Attendant1
- 2Papercraft Angel1
- 2Serena Bloodfeather1
- 3Benevolent Banker1
- 3Cathedral of Atonement1
- 3Identity Theft1
- 3Mindrender Illucia1
- 4Glowstone Gyreworm1
- 4Najak Hexxen1
- 5Darkbishop Benedictus1
- 5Raza the Chained1
- 5Raza the Resealed1
- 5Spawn of Shadows1
- 7Aman’Thul1
- 0Raise Dead1
- 1Drone Deconstructor1
- 1Miracle Salesman1
- 1Sir Finley, Sea Guide1
- 2Dirty Rat1
- 2Fanboy1
- 2Greedy Partner1
- 2Sing-Along Buddy1
- 2Zephrys the Great1
- 3Celestial Projectionist1
- 3Prince Renathal1
- 3Razorscale1
- 4Blademaster Okani1
- 4E.T.C., Band Manager1
- 4Hysteria1
- 4Lorekeeper Polkelt1
- 4Speaker Stomper1
- 5Boompistol Bully1
- 5Magatha, Bane of Music1
- 6Reno Jackson1
- 6Theotar, the Mad Duke1
- 10Reno, Lone Ranger1
- 0Aquatic Form1
- 1Floop’s Glorious Gloop1
- 1Malfurion’s Gift1
- 2Breath of Dreams1
- 2Guess the Weight1
- 2Invigorate1
- 2Moonlit Guidance1
- 2Solar Eclipse1
- 2Wild Growth1
- 3Ferocious Howl1
- 3Frost Lotus Seedling1
- 3Splish-Splash Whelp1
- 3Swipe1
- 3Take to the Skies1
- 4Branching Paths1
- 4Chia Drake1
- 4Desert Nestmatron1
- 4Flobbidinous Floop1
- 4Juicy Psychmelon1
- 4Overgrowth1
- 4Poison Seeds1
- 4Wing Commander Mulverick1
- 5Flipper Friends1
- 5Nourish1
- 5Wildheart Guff1
- 7Scale of Onyxia1
- 9Aviana1
- 9Fye, the Setting Sun1
- 10Eonar, the Life-Binder1
- 1Cold Storage1
- 1Thrall’s Gift1
- 2Bolner Hammerbeak1
- 2Cactus Cutter1
- 2Devolve1
- 2Ice Fishing1
- 2Pebbly Page1
- 2Sleetbreaker1
- 3Brilliant Macaw1
- 3Elemental Destruction1
- 3Fairy Tale Forest1
- 3Framester1
- 3Lightning Storm1
- 3Primal Dungeoneer1
- 4Baking Soda Volcano1
- 4Hagatha the Fabled1
- 5Doctor Holli’dae1
- 6Golganneth, the Thunderer1
- 6Grumble, Worldshaker1
- 6Snowfall Guardian1
- 9Shudderwock1
- 1Sir Finley, Sea Guide1
- 2Dirty Rat1
- 2Gold Panner1
- 2Needlerock Totem1
- 2Zephrys the Great1
- 3Observer of Mysteries1
- 3Prince Renathal1
- 3Razorscale1
- 4Aftershocks1
- 4Blademaster Okani1
- 4E.T.C., Band Manager1
- 4Lorekeeper Polkelt1
- 4Speaker Stomper1
- 5Boompistol Bully1
- 5Loatheb1
- 6Reno Jackson1
- 7Mutanus the Devourer1
- 10C’thun, the Shattered1
- 10Reno, Lone Ranger1
- 1Garrosh’s Gift1
- 1Shield Slam1
- 2Bladestorm1
- 2Drywhisker Armorer1
- 2Forge of Souls1
- 2Frozen Buckler1
- 2Man the Cannons1
- 2Safety Goggles1
- 2Shield Block1
- 2Stoneskin Armorer1
- 3Bellowing Flames1
- 3From the Depths1
- 3Steam Guardian1
- 4Craftsman’s Hammer1
- 4Igneous Lavagorger1
- 4Outrider’s Axe1
- 5Brawl1
- 8Boomboss Tho’grun1
- 8Deepminer Brann1
- 10Shield Shatter1
- 1Armor Vendor1
- 1Sir Finley, Sea Guide1
- 2Astalor Bloodsworn1
- 2Dirty Rat1
- 2Needlerock Totem1
- 2Watcher of the Sun1
- 2Zephrys the Great1
- 3Card Grader1
- 3Coldlight Oracle1
- 3Lord Barov1
- 3Prince Renathal1
- 4Aftershocks1
- 4Caricature Artist1
- 4E.T.C., Band Manager1
- 4Ignis, the Eternal Flame1
- 4Lorekeeper Polkelt1
- 4School Teacher1
- 6Reno Jackson1
- 6Theotar, the Mad Duke1
- 10Reno, Lone Ranger1
- 2Darkbomb2
- 2Defile2
- 2Drain Soul2
- 2Endgame2
- 4Dark Alley Pact2
- 4Seadevil Stinger1
- 6Anetheron1
- 6Dreadlich Tamsin1
- 6Imp King Rafaam1
- 8Gigafin1
- 10Table Flip2
- 1Fury (Rank 1)2
- 1Mana Burn2
- 1Sigil of Alacrity2
- 1Taste of Chaos2
- 1Unleash Fel2
- 2Chaos Strike2
- 2Fel Barrage2
- 2Mark of Scorn2
- 4Fan the Hammer2
- 4Fel’dorei Warband2
- 4Going Down Swinging1
- 4Metamorphosis1
- 4Souleater’s Scythe1
- 5Deal with a Devil2
- 5Jotun, the Eternal1
- 6Kurtrus, Demon-Render1
- 8Jace Darkweaver1
- 1Garrosh’s Gift1
- 1Shield Slam1
- 2Bash1
- 2Bladestorm1
- 2Drywhisker Armorer1
- 2Fiery War Axe1
- 2Forge of Souls1
- 2Forged in Flame1
- 2Frozen Buckler1
- 2Shield Block1
- 2Stoneskin Armorer1
- 3Bellowing Flames1
- 3From the Depths1
- 4Blacksmithing Hammer1
- 4Igneous Lavagorger1
- 4Outrider’s Axe1
- 5Brawl1
- 6Iron Juggernaut1
- 6Khaz’goroth1
- 8Boomboss Tho’grun1
- 8Deepminer Brann1
- 8Inventor Boom1
- 10Shield Shatter1
- 0Zilliax Deluxe 30001
- 1Sir Finley, Sea Guide1
- 2Astalor Bloodsworn1
- 2Dirty Rat1
- 2Needlerock Totem1
- 2Zephrys the Great1
- 3Coldlight Oracle1
- 3Lord Barov1
- 3Photographer Fizzle1
- 3Prince Renathal1
- 3Razorscale1
- 4Aftershocks1
- 4E.T.C., Band Manager1
- 4Hecklebot1
- 6Reno Jackson1
- 6Theotar, the Mad Duke1
- 10Reno, Lone Ranger1