Before I start, I want to say that issues with deck codes are sadly still present. Any deck with Zilliax Deluxe 3000 (and let’s be real, that’s a lot of decks) won’t have its code working. The issue turned out to be more difficult to solve and the dev bandwidth I have access to is very limited. Believe me when I say it that I try to solve it as quickly as possible but it might take some more time. As a workaround, I always try to post a working deck code whenever I can. This post will be no different – for every deck running Zilliax, I will paste a working deck code BELOW the deck itself. Use it instead of the usual deck code box. I’m sorry for the inconvenience.
Hope you all had a nice Christmas break. I don’t have many decks to share this week because I just came back home a couple of days ago. Truth to be told, though, not that many decks get shared over holiday breaks in the first place. I guess people want to spend some time with friends and family (yes, I also find it hard to believe, but there IS a world outside of Hearthstone). Still, I managed to post some new stuff over the last few days, including a bunch of off-meta decks, probably more than usual. Maybe players got drunk on eggnog and decided to try something new, haha.
It’s hard for me to analyze the meta changes since I haven’t really been playing the game this week, but after looking through social media and glancing at the stats, it’s clear that Cycle Rogue is on the rise again. The deck got “nerfed” when Sonya Waterdancer was hit last patch, but it turns out that the card wasn’t key in . I’m still glad that she got hit, because she created some incredibly frustrating late-game turns, but the deck’s main power lies in its – as the name suggests – cycling capability. It can draw A LOT of cards and play free 8/8’s (Playhouse Giants) very quickly + bounce them back with Breakdance to create even more 8/8’s. And then, if multiple 8/8’s in the mid game are not enough to close the game, it can deal massive damage with Incindius/Moonstone Mauler (possibly replayed a couple of times) combined with Spell Damage cards. In fact, getting rid of Sonya made the deck easier to pilot, meaning that it has a higher chance of being popular at lower ranks (although I don’t expect it to dominate the meta outside of high Legend, it’s still not the easiest deck to pilot properly).
In other news, The Ceaseless Expanse is now the most-played card in the game. It overtook Zilliax Deluxe 3000 (which I always feel bad counting as a single card since different modules go into different decks) and is now played in almost 50% of the decks in Diamond-Legend. That’s still not quite at the level of the most popular cards in history, we had some 60%+ cards before (including aforementioned Zilliax at its peak), but it’s getting close. Another card from The Great Dark Beyond – Ethereal Oracle – is also up there, as #3 right now (almost 40% play rate in Diamond-Legend). Sadly outside of those two, the expansion overall hasn’t been incredibly impactful. I’m honestly never a fan of Neutrals going above 20-30% play rate because it makes the decks feel too same-y. I’m pretty convinced that Ethereal Oracle is going to get nerfed soon unless the meta completely changes in the mini-set. And while Ceaseless Expanse is a cool card design, it might also need to get hit at one point (luckily there’s a lot of room to adjust it without killing it completely).
Overall, I’m really waiting to see what the mini-set brings to the table. With 49 cards, it’s going to be slightly bigger than usual, thus having more potential to change the meta. And given that it’s the first cross-over, I assume that they tried to make the designs interesting and impactful. Luckily we won’t have to wait long, while we don’t have any official release dates, it should be out sometime in mid-January. I expect to hear more about it in about 2 weeks.
P.S. Oh, and I sadly have no Twist decks to share at the moment. It looks like the format isn’t very popular (surprise surprise) so people don’t share tons of stuff, I also haven’t seen anyone streaming it in a couple of weeks.
Below is a full list of the Legend decks from last week, sorted by the highest placement.
If you want to see all of the current top meta decks, go to our Hearthstone Meta Tier List post!
Hearthstone Standard Legend Decks of the Week
- 0Backstab2
- 0Preparation2
- 0Shadowstep2
- 1Breakdance2
- 1Dig for Treasure2
- 1Gear Shift2
- 1Tar Slick2
- 2Fan of Knives2
- 4Dubious Purchase2
- 2Creation Protocol1
- 2Holy Springwater1
- 2Power Chord: Synchronize1
- 2Shadow Word: Pain1
- 2Thrive in the Shadows1
- 2Twilight Torrent1
- 3Chillin’ Vol’jin1
- 3Holy Nova1
- 3Love Everlasting1
- 4Invasive Shadeleaf1
- 4Puppet Theatre1
- 4Serenity1
- 7Aman’Thul1
- 7Lesser Diamond Spellstone1
- 7Repackage1
- 8Elise, Badlands Savior1
Hearthstone Wild Legend Decks of the Week
- 0Zilliax Deluxe 30001
- 1Armor Vendor1
- 1Devolving Missiles1
- 1Sir Finley, Sea Guide1
- 2Dirty Rat1
- 2Zephrys the Great1
- 3Brann Bronzebeard1
- 3Prince Renathal1
- 3Razorscale1
- 4E.T.C., Band Manager1
- 4Ethereal Oracle1
- 4Potion of Illusion1
- 4Saronite Chain Gang1
- 5Magatha, Bane of Music1
- 5Star Power1
- 6Bob the Bartender1
- 6Gnomelia, S.A.F.E. Pilot1
- 6Reno Jackson1
- 6Skulking Geist1
- 6Sunspot Dragon1
- 6Theotar, the Mad Duke1
- 7Eredar Brute1
- 7Velen, Leader of the Exiled1
- 10Reno, Lone Ranger1
- 100The Ceaseless Expanse1
- 1Crystology1
- 1Knight of Anointment1
- 2City Tax1
- 2Order in the Court1
- 2Redscale Dragontamer1
- 2Seafloor Savior1
- 2Sir Finley of the Sands1
- 3Enter the Coliseum1
- 3Holy Cowboy1
- 3Runi, Time Explorer1
- 3Spirit of the Badlands1
- 3Time Out!1
- 4Nozdormu the Timeless1
- 5Holy Wrath1
- 6Lumia1
- 7Amitus, the Peacekeeper1
- 7The Leviathan1
- 8Lightforged Cariel1
- 8Prismatic Beam1
- 1Sir Finley, Sea Guide1
- 2Astalor Bloodsworn1
- 2Cold Feet1
- 2Dirty Rat1
- 2Zephrys the Great1
- 3Lord Barov1
- 3Mixologist1
- 3Overplanner1
- 3Prince Renathal1
- 3Timeline Accelerator1
- 4Blademaster Okani1
- 4E.T.C., Band Manager1
- 4Lorekeeper Polkelt1
- 4Vacation Planning1
- 5Soul Seeker1
- 6Bob the Bartender1
- 6Reno Jackson1
- 6Theotar, the Mad Duke1
- 10Reno, Lone Ranger1
- 22Molten Giant1
- 100The Ceaseless Expanse1