The Maw and Disorder mini-set went live earlier this week, so all of the decks posted here were played after its release. While it might be a bit too early to talk about the full impact of the mini-set, because some things might get discovered yet, but… Things aren’t looking great, to be honest.
It’s true that the mini-set made one of the previously worst classes – Paladin – much better. The class is actually playable now, now great, but way better than it was before. As for the other previously worst class, Warrior, not much has changed, it’s still at the bottom. However, a bigger issue is Hunter. The class absolutely dominates – XL Beast build was busted before and it’s even more busted now. It’s the most popular deck on the ladder (~15% overall, but reaching up to 30% at higher ranks), but the popularity alone doesn’t tell the full story here. If we look at Standard as a whole, Hunter has 57% WR right now, leaving the second strongest class (Warlock) behind by over 5%. Because of that massive Hunter WR, only 2 other classes are above 50% at all (aforementioned Warlock and Shaman) – others hover around 47-49% with Rogue (45%) and Warrior (42%) being the two bottom outliers. If we look at Beast Hunter only, it’s getting even worse. The deck is at ~59% win rate right now – most of the overpowered decks that were quickly nerfed didn’t even reach 55%, let alone get close to 60%. Dare I say we are closer to the launch DH levels of busted than to your average OP deck.
And yet people don’t really talk about it much. It just shows that feelings have a massive role in the meta perception whether you like it or not. We’ve seen more calls to nerf decks like Ramp Druid, Control Priest or let’s say Questline Mage even when they were sitting at around 50% WR. Hunter deck doesn’t “feel” as busted as it is – yes, it sometimes throws those Turn 5 King Krush high-rolls, but honestly they aren’t that common or needed. What the deck has going for it is that it’s incredibly consistent and has no bad matchups. Even the worst one, Combo/Miracle Priest, is only 60/40 in favor of Priest (and it loses to many other decks on the ladder so it’s not even optimal unless you meet tons of Hunters).
Still, even though we don’t see as many complaints, I can only imagine that something has to be done about it. The deck is way too strong and without any clear counters, there’s little hope that the meta shifts. We need to nerf a few Hunter cards, and possibly give another round of buffs to Warrior (plus maybe Rogue). The only saving grace is that, like I’ve said, it doesn’t feel as bad to play against and isn’t THAT fun to play for most players. Maybe when Hunters are dealt with, more mini-set cards will have their time to shine. We’ll see.
Below, you will find a full list of the Legend decks from last week, sorted by the highest placement.
If you want to see all of the current top meta decks, go to our Hearthstone Meta Tier List post!
If you’re looking for the best Wild Format decks, check out our Wild Meta Tier List!
Hearthstone Standard Legend Decks of the Week
- 1Flame Imp2
- 1Flustered Librarian2
- 1Grimoire of Sacrifice2
- 1Touch of the Nathrezim2
- 1Wicked Shipment2
- 2Impending Catastrophe2
- 2Vile Library2
- 3Dragged Below2
- 3Fiendish Circle2
- 3Sira’kess Cultist2
- 3Tamsin Roame1
- 4Mischievous Imp2
- 5Lady Darkvein1
- 5Za’qul1
- 6Abyssal Wave2
- 6Dreadlich Tamsin1
- 6Imp King Rafaam1
- 1Knight of Anointment2
- 1Righteous Protector2
- 1Sinful Sous Chef2
- 2Battle Vicar2
- 2City Tax2
- 2Equality2
- 2Order in the Court2
- 2Seafloor Savior2
- 3Alliance Bannerman2
- 3Muckborn Servant2
- 3Righteous Defense1
- 3Shimmering Sunfish2
- 3Stonehearth Vindicator2
- 4Cariel Roame1
- 7The Countess1
- 7The Leviathan1
- 8Lightforged Cariel1
- 9Lightray2
- 0Desperate Prayer1
- 1Gift of the Naaru2
- 1Psychic Conjurer2
- 1Shard of the Naaru1
- 1The Light! It Burns!2
- 2Mysterious Visitor2
- 3Amulet of Undying2
- 3Cathedral of Atonement2
- 3Identity Theft2
- 3The Harvester of Envy1
- 4Incriminating Psychic2
- 4Lightmaw Netherdrake2
- 4Najak Hexxen1
- 4Shadow Word: Ruin2
- 4Xyrella1
- 5Clean the Scene2
- 6Lightshower Elemental1
- 6Mi’da, Pure Light1
- 7Blackwater Behemoth1
- 8Murozond the Infinite1
- 8Whirlpool2
- 8Xyrella, the Devout1
- 0Backstab2
- 0Preparation2
- 0Shadowstep2
- 1Blackwater Cutlass2
- 1Door of Shadows2
- 1Gone Fishin’2
- 1SI:7 Extortion2
- 1Sinister Strike1
- 2Maestra of the Masquerade1
- 2Serrated Bone Spike2
- 2Tooth of Nefarian2
- 2Wicked Stab (Rank 1)2
- 3Shroud of Concealment2
- 3Sinstone Graveyard2
- 4Edwin, Defias Kingpin1
- 5Necrolord Draka1
- 6Wildpaw Gnoll2
- 0Flurry (Rank 1)2
- 1Shivering Sorceress2
- 1Suspicious Alchemist2
- 1Wildfire2
- 2Amplified Snowflurry2
- 2Frozen Touch2
- 2Spellcoiler2
- 3Arcane Intellect2
- 3Frostweave Dungeoneer2
- 3Nightcloak Sanctum2
- 3Solid Alibi2
- 4Cold Case2
- 4Commander Sivara1
- 4Reckless Apprentice2
- 4Varden Dawngrasp1
- 6Deathborne2
- 7Magister Dawngrasp1
- 8Kel’Thuzad, the Inevitable1
- 8Mordresh Fire Eye1
- 1Batty Guest2
- 2Doggie Biscuit2
- 2Frenzied Fangs2
- 2K9-0tron2
- 2Selective Breeder2
- 2Spirit Poacher2
- 3Harpoon Gun2
- 3Ramming Mount2
- 3Stag Charge2
- 3Wild Spirits2
- 4Azsharan Saber1
- 5Ara’lon1
- 5Pet Collector2
- 5The Rat King1
- 6Beaststalker Tavish1
- 6Defense Attorney Nathanos1
- 7Hydralodon1
- 7Mountain Bear2
- 9King Krush1
- 9Wing Commander Ichman1
- 1Batty Guest2
- 2Castle Kennels2
- 2Doggie Biscuit1
- 2Frenzied Fangs2
- 2Selective Breeder2
- 2Snake Trap2
- 2Spirit Poacher2
- 3Harpoon Gun2
- 3Wild Spirits2
- 4Stormpike Battle Ram2
- 5Pet Collector2
- 5Shadehound2
- 5The Rat King1
- 6Beaststalker Tavish1
- 7Huntsman Altimor1
- 7Hydralodon1
- 7Mountain Bear2
- 9King Krush1
- 9Wing Commander Ichman1
- 1Flame Imp2
- 1Flustered Librarian2
- 1Grimoire of Sacrifice2
- 1Voidwalker2
- 1Wicked Shipment2
- 2Arson Accusation2
- 2Bloodbound Imp2
- 2Imp Swarm (Rank 1)2
- 2Imp-oster2
- 2Impending Catastrophe2
- 2Vile Library2
- 3Fiendish Circle2
- 3Imp Gang Boss2
- 4Mischievous Imp2
- 5Shady Bartender2
- 6Dreadlich Tamsin1
- 6Imp King Rafaam1
- 8Gigafin1
- 1Relic of Extinction2
- 1Sigil of Alacrity2
- 2Razorboar1
- 2Relic Vault2
- 3Abyssal Depths1
- 3Razorfen Beastmaster2
- 3Relic of Phantasms2
- 4Flanking Maneuver1
- 4Kryxis the Voracious1
- 4Prosecutor Mel’tranix1
- 4Topple the Idol2
- 5Relic of Dimensions2
- 6Kurtrus, Demon-Render1
- 7Death Speaker Blackthorn1
- 7Xhilag of the Abyss1
- 8Artificer Xy’mox1
- 0Preparation2
- 0Shadowstep2
- 1Blackwater Cutlass2
- 1Door of Shadows2
- 1Gone Fishin’2
- 1SI:7 Extortion2
- 1Sinister Strike1
- 2Maestra of the Masquerade1
- 2Serrated Bone Spike2
- 2Tooth of Nefarian2
- 2Wicked Stab (Rank 1)2
- 3Shroud of Concealment2
- 3Sinstone Graveyard2
- 4Edwin, Defias Kingpin1
- 5Necrolord Draka1
- 6Scribbling Stenographer2
- 6Wildpaw Gnoll2
- 1Tracking2
- 2Castle Kennels2
- 2Doggie Biscuit2
- 2Frenzied Fangs2
- 2K9-0tron2
- 2Spirit Poacher2
- 3Harpoon Gun2
- 3Wild Spirits2
- 4Azsharan Saber1
- 5Imported Tarantula2
- 5Pet Collector2
- 5Shadehound2
- 5The Rat King1
- 6Beaststalker Tavish1
- 6Defense Attorney Nathanos1
- 7Hydralodon1
- 7Mountain Bear2
- 9King Krush1
- 9Wing Commander Ichman1
Hearthstone Wild Legend Decks of the Week
- 1Blessing of Wisdom2
- 1Conviction (Rank 1)2
- 1Crystology1
- 1Oh My Yogg!2
- 1Redemption2
- 1Righteous Protector2
- 2Great Hall1
- 2Hand of A’dal2
- 2Order in the Court2
- 2Sword of the Fallen2
- 3Divine Favor1
- 3Righteous Defense2
- 4Call to Arms2
- 4Cariel Roame1
- 7Divine Toll1
- 7Kangor’s Endless Army1
- 7The Leviathan1
- 8Lightforged Cariel1
- 10The Garden’s Grace2
- 0Devouring Swarm2
- 0Serpentbloom2
- 1Alleycat2
- 1Flare1
- 1Springpaw2
- 1Timber Wolf2
- 1Unseal the Vault1
- 1Wolpertinger2
- 2Starving Buzzard2
- 3Diving Gryphon2
- 3Dreadscale1
- 3Harpoon Gun2
- 3Master’s Call2
- 3Unleash the Hounds2
- 3Wild Spirits2
- 4Stonebound Gargon1
- 5Shadehound2
- 5Tundra Rhino2
- 6Beaststalker Tavish1
- 6Swarm of Locusts2
- 7Hydralodon1
- 0Counterfeit Coin1
- 0Preparation1
- 0Shadowstep2
- 1Bloodsail Flybooter2
- 1Gone Fishin’1
- 1Prize Plunderer2
- 2Cheat Death1
- 2Double Cross2
- 2Lab Recruiter1
- 2Murder Accusation1
- 2Perjury1
- 2Secret Passage2
- 2Serrated Bone Spike2
- 2Sudden Betrayal1
- 2Swindle2
- 3Cutlass Courier2
- 3Ghastly Gravedigger2
- 3Sinstone Graveyard2
- 4Edwin, Defias Kingpin1
- 4Private Eye2
- 4Scabbs Cutterbutter1
- 6Crabatoa1
- 7Pirate Admiral Hooktusk1
- 8Shadowcrafter Scabbs1
For what seems like ages, the whining nimrods cried for 40 starting health. “The game has gotten too aggressive. We want to play CONTROL.”
It’s so ironic that the best deck by far starts with 40 health, doesn’t play an ounce of removal, and is NOT a Control deck.
Lesson to nimrods – be careful what you wish for.
Yeah I meet a lot of Beast Hunters atm during my climb to legend, sometimes even 3 or 4 in a row. I really like Sylvanas, it’s a nice addition to Control Paladin. The mini set had more impact on Wild, just before the reset it looked like everyone was playing Secret Mage.
I meant *Control Shaman
Secret Mage got two new staples in Objection and Contract Conjurer, so there are more Secret Mages than ever in wild after the mini set went online