Welcome to the first weekly deck roundup of 2021! I came back to work a few days ago, but I’m still taking things slowly until Monday (gotta get some rest before the upcoming months with lots of exciting announcements). Because of that, I didn’t have time to take a closer look at the meta – I just played a few games to knock down my Quests so I’m afraid that I don’t have a good lookout.
However, looking at the stats, it seems that Shamanstone is still going strong. While the deck’s popularity in Legend has dropped to a more reasonable 16% (that’s still a lot, but not “out of control”), the deck is still clocking 20-30% popularity outside of Legend. My guess that the reason for this drop is that most of the Legend players specialized their decks to fight against Shamans, something that won’t happen as quickly at lower ranks. Most of the builds that were terrible against Shaman are simply gone, and the rest are still running Kobold Stickyfinger to at least partially get rid of Boggspine Knuckles. Of course, the fact everyone is targeting Shaman and the class still has 15%+ popularity in Legend really shows that we have a problem.
Combo Miracle / Whirlkick Rogue is still the second most popular deck, sitting at just slightly lower popularity than Shaman in higher ranks & Legend (things change drastically at lower ranks, where the deck is not nearly as popular – but that’s to be expected, as more straightforward decks are always more common at low ranks). It’s not as problematic, but I fear that if Shaman gets nerfed, it will start dominating the meta completely, as it has almost no bad matchups and it’s actually harder to tech against than Shaman.
But talking about the nerfs. Iksar has mentioned on reddit that devs are back to work on Monday after holidays and that they will look into balance issues. We know for sure that Book of Heroes – Uther is getting released on January 5 (this Tuesday), so it would be a good opportunity to throw in a balance update. Of course that’s just my guess, but there was more than enough time to gather data ever since Patch 19.2, and players are already getting annoyed by the current meta. If not this week, I expect one next week at the latest. “Old” Blizzard would probably wait until mini-set (which should be released some time mid-January) and see if it shakes up the meta enough, but they’ve been reacting more quickly over the last few expansions (which I appreciate), so I don’t think that they will let this meta last for that long.
Anyway, no matter how things develop in the end, we’ll keep you posted!
P.S. Sorry for not posting too many Wild decks recently, but since I had limited time recently I had to pick my point of focus, and Standard is just more popular. I’ll try to post a bit more again starting next week.
Below, you will find a full list of the Legend decks from last week, sorted by the highest placement.
If you want to see all of the current top meta decks, go to our Hearthstone Meta Tier List post!
If you’re looking for the best Wild Format decks, check out our Wild Meta Tier List!
hi marry christmas and a happy new year!
Please answer me are you planning to release legendary an epic card crafting guides?
Because meta has already settled up and it would be very handy to release it now so players with low dust(gold) start to craft essential cards.
@STONEKEEP hi marry christmas and a happy new year!
Please answer me are you planning to release legendary an epic card crafting guides?
Because meta has already settled up and it would be very handy to release it now so players with low dust(gold) start to craft essential cards.
There is not really a point of a crafting guide. Evolve Shaman and Miracle Rogue dominate the format. From the legendary pool, the former only uses Inara, which is not a core card but you may want to craft it to play the deck in its full capacity, and the latter uses Edwin and Jandice. For epics, Knuckles and Sea Giant are core in Shaman (and occasional Stickyfinger tech, definitely a craft for this meta but not a good card in general) and Prep, Secret Passage and Whirlkick Master are core in Rogue. From the rest of the decks the only archetype that stands out is Pure Paladin, but Shaman and Rogue are more than enough for a climb.
Thank you for your feedback! But i already know about those three decks.
And have played them a lot, its quite boring you know…
I’m not interesting in aggro/midrange i’m interested in decks like Tickatus Warlock, Hightlander Priest/Mage, also Control Warrior. Maybe some Druid decks look promising? Are there any viable control decks to play/climb, what would you suggest???
Your feedback would be appreciated!!!
Old Guardian just posted an article with all of the control decks that (can) work.
Well I wouldn’t say these are safe crafts. It’s always up to you to decide what you want to play, and decks like Tickatus Warlock, almost all Warrior variants, HL Mage are good enough to stand a chance in this meta. Apart from these there are always Zoo, HL Hunter and Demon Hunter decks that are still good.